

71 items matching your search terms. Sort by relevance · date (newest first) · alphabetically
Publication Octet Stream Swathing and Harvesting Canola
The timing of swathing canola is important for quality and yield. This publication provides information about the proper stage to swath canola and the effect of swathing time on yield, green seed and percent oil. A description is provided about how to set the swather and combine to optimize the yield and quality of canola.
Located in Crops
Publication ECMAScript program Soybean Disease Diagnostic Series
This series aids in disease identification.
Located in Crops
Publication Octet Stream Common Arthropod Pests of Corn in North Dakota
This publication describes the common arthropod pests of corn in North Dakota. The following pests are included: northern and western corn rootworms, cutworms, European corn borers, grasshoppers, corn aphids, seed corn maggots, spider mites and white grubs (June beetles). To help pest managers with proper identification, a brief description and photograph of the immature and adult life stages is provided for each pest.
Located in Crops
Publication Soybean Gall Midge and White-mold Gall Midge in Soybean
This publication describes two species of gall midges that infest soybeans. Soybean gall midge is an invasive and economic insect pest of soybeans that occurs in five Midwestern states (Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska and South Dakota). It does not occur in North Dakota yet. The white-mold gall midge is native to North America and is not economic insect pest of soybeans. Larvae of the white-mold gall midge can be found feeding on Sclerotinia white mold disease in stems and pods. This publication describes how to scout and identify the two species based on their location on plants, field symptoms and plant injury symptoms. It also tells pest managers what to do if you find any suspect soybean gall midge in your soybean fields in North Dakota.
Located in Crops
Publication Octet Stream Flax Production in North Dakota
Producers grow two types of flax: seed flax for the oil in its seed and nutritional value, and fiber flax for the fiber in its stem.
Located in Crops
Publication Octet Stream Pulse Crop Production Field Guide for North Dakota
The Pulse Crop Production Field Guide provides producers with data on field pea, chickpea and lentil production information throughout North Dakota. It addresses issues including variety fertilizing, disease, insect and weed control, harvesting and storing of pulses.
Located in Crops
Publication North Dakota Dry Bean Variety Trial Results for 2019 and Selection Guide
The North Dakota Dry Bean Variety Trial Results provide producers with data or bean performance throughout the state and gives information about yield and other information needed for accurate selection of Dry Bean Varieties for agricultural production in North Dakota.
Located in Crops
Publication Octet Stream Projected 2021 Crop Budgets North Central North Dakota
The 2021 crop budgets provide an estimate of revenues and costs for selected crops. Each set of budgets are developed for a multi-county region. There is considerable variation in soil type and productivity, weather conditions, as well as management and production practices within each region.
Located in Farm Economics & Management
Publication North Dakota Durum Wheat Variety Trial Results for 2020 and Selection Guide
Tables summarize the agronomic characteristics and performance of durum varieties that were tested in multiple trials planted in various locations in North Dakota in 2020.
Located in Crops
Publication North Dakota Canola Variety Trial Results for 2020 and Selection Guide
The North Dakota Canola Variety Trial Results provide producers with data on canola performance throughout the state and gives information about yield and other agronomic traits, for accurate selection of canola hybrids for agricultural production in North Dakota
Located in Crops
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