

71 items matching your search terms. Sort by relevance · date (newest first) · alphabetically
Publication Octet Stream Basics of Corn Production in North Dakota
The basics of corn production in North Dakota provides information about corn production in the state. It addresses topics from abiotic stresses, soil fertility management, weed and insect control, diseases, as well as harvesting and storing corn.
Located in Crops
Publication North Dakota Sunflower Variety Trial Results for 2020 and Selection Guide
The North Dakota Sunflower Hybrid Trial Results and Selection guide provide producers with data on sunflower performance throughout North Dakota and gives information about yield and other agronomic traits, for accurate selection of sunflower hybrids for agricultural production in North Dakota.
Located in Crops
Publication North Dakota Dry Bean Variety Trial Results for 2020 and Selection Guide
The North Dakota Dry Bean Variety Trial Results provide producers with data on dry bean performance throughout the state and northern Minnesota and gives information about yield and other agronomic traits, for accurate selection of dry bean varieties for agricultural production in North Dakota and northwestern Minnesota.
Located in Crops
Publication Troff document Air Temperature Inversions Causes, Characteristics and Potential Effects on Pesticide Spray Drift
Spray drift from temperature inversions is a major problem for pesticide applicators. This publication is written to help them decide if a spray application should be made or if there is significant potential for spray drift to occur.
Located in Crops
Publication Buckwheat Production
This publication talks about growing buckwheat in North Dakota, from the adaption, rotation, variety selection and seeding to fertilizing, harvesting and marketing the crop. It also includes information on pests, weed control, and the average yield from different locations across the state.
Located in Crops
Publication Fertilizing Malting and Feed Barley
The yield-based N rate formula has been terminated. These recommendations have been updated to reflect that yield and N rate are not related between environments. Also, N recommendations for western ND have been modified to incorporate the special requirements for achieving malting grade in that environment.
Located in Crops
Publication Octet Stream Projected 2021 Crop Budgets North East North Dakota
The 2021 crop budgets provide an estimate of revenues and costs for selected crops. Each set of budgets are developed for a multi-county region. There is considerable variation in soil type and productivity, weather conditions, as well as management and production practices within each region.
Located in Farm Economics & Management
Publication Octet Stream Projected 2021 Crop Budgets North Valley North Dakota
The 2021 crop budgets provide an estimate of revenues and costs for selected crops. Each set of budgets are developed for a multi-county region. There is considerable variation in soil type and productivity, weather conditions, as well as management and production practices within each region.
Located in Farm Economics & Management
Publication Octet Stream Projected 2021 Crop Budgets North West North Dakota
The 2021 crop budgets provide an estimate of revenues and costs for selected crops. Each set of budgets are developed for a multi-county region. There is considerable variation in soil type and productivity, weather conditions, as well as management and production practices within each region.
Located in Farm Economics & Management
Publication Octet Stream Projected 2021 Crop Budgets East Central North Dakota
The 2021 crop budgets provide an estimate of revenues and costs for selected crops. Each set of budgets are developed for a multi-county region. There is considerable variation in soil type and productivity, weather conditions, as well as management and production practices within each region.
Located in Farm Economics & Management
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