


North Dakota Field Crop Insect Management Guide

This guide summarizes the insecticides/miticides registered in North Dakota for control of insect or mite pests of filed crops. Scouting and economic thresholds are listed for the major pest. Keeping in mind that chemical control is only part of an Integrated Pest Management approach. The most effective control may involve integrating culture, host plant resistance and other strategies.

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North Dakota Fresh Market Potato Cultivar/Selection Trial Results for 2020

Potato cultivars or selections included in this report were selected from recently released cultivars, advancing selections with release potential (numbered lines progressing through the trial process), or cultivars that are new to the U.S. Standard potato cultivars used by growers served as checks. The agronomic data presented in Tables 1 and 2 were analyzed statistically. These analyses allow the reader to ascertain, at a predetermined level of confidence, if the differences observed among cultivars/selections are reliable, or if they might be due to error inherent in the experimental process.

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Potato Tuber Second Growth

The term secondary growth is often described as heat sprouts, tuber chaining and tuber malformations. This physiological disorder decreases yield and quality of all potato tubers. Good management and varietal selection can minimize this.

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Pulse Crop Production Field Guide for North Dakota

The Pulse Crop Production Field Guide provides producers with data on field pea, chickpea and lentil production information throughout North Dakota. It addresses issues including variety fertilizing, disease, insect and weed control, harvesting and storing of pulses.

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Safflower Production

This publication provides background information on how to grow safflower in ND, from land selection, fertilizer management, variety selection, seeding, weed management to harvesting and marketing the crop. Safflower is an annual oilseed crop adapted primarily to the central grain areas of the western Great Plains.

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Soybean Gall Midge and White-mold Gall Midge in Soybean

This publication describes two species of gall midges that infest soybeans. Soybean gall midge is an invasive and economic insect pest of soybeans that occurs in five Midwestern states (Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska and South Dakota). It does not occur in North Dakota yet. The white-mold gall midge is native to North America and is not economic insect pest of soybeans. Larvae of the white-mold gall midge can be found feeding on Sclerotinia white mold disease in stems and pods. This publication describes how to scout and identify the two species based on their location on plants, field symptoms and plant injury symptoms. It also tells pest managers what to do if you find any suspect soybean gall midge in your soybean fields in North Dakota.

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Soybean Soil Fertility

All of NDSU soil fertility recommendations now have no yield-based formulas. The soybean fertility recommendations were modified to be in line with these new guidelines.

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