

3 items matching your search terms. Sort by relevance · date (newest first) · alphabetically
Publication Protecting Your Water Source: What’s the Condition of Your Water Well?
Water wells can become contaminated over time, and usually, the source of contamination is within 100 feet of the well. Testing the water is the only way to know what substances are present, if your well tests positive for bacteria and/or elevated nitrates, there are several questions to ask. This publication goes over testing your well water, and what questions to ask if it is contaminated.
Located in Environment & Natural Resources
Publication Using Electrical Conductivity and Total Dissolved Solids Meters to Field Test Water Quality
An electrical conductivity or total dissolved solids meter is a quick method to estimate total dissolved solids in water and determine water quality.
Located in Environment & Natural Resources
Publication Livestock Water Quality
Water is an important, but often overlooked, nutrient. Livestock water requirements are affected by many factors, including size, productivity, diet and environmental conditions. Good water quality and cleanliness can increase water intake and improve livestock production.
Located in Livestock
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