Oakes Irrigation Research Site
Carrington Research Extension Center * North Dakota State University
P.O. Box 531, Oakes, ND 58474-0531, Voice: (701) 742-2189, FAX: (701) 742-2700, email: rgreenla@ndsuext.nodak.edu

Richard Greenland, Leonard Besemann, and Heidi Kerlin

Peppers generally grow surprising well in southern North Dakota, although late in the season some hot peppers lose their heat if the weather is too cool. In cool years, yields and quality may be reduced.

Result summary

Table 36. Quantity and yield of sweet peppers.

Table 37. Quality of sweet peppers.

Table 38. Cumulative yields of marketable (US Fancy plus US #1) sweet peppers.

Table 39. Quantity and yield of hot peppers.

Table 40. Quality of hot peppers.

Table 41. Cumulative yields of marketable (US Fancy plus US #1) hot peppers

Soil: Maddock sandy loam, Hecla sandy loam and Embden sandy loam; pH=6.8; 2.8% organic matter; soil-P was high; soil-K was very high; soil-S was very low.
Previous crop: 1997 - field corn; 1996 - pepper; 1995 - cabbage.
Disked on 31 October 1997. Multiweeded (field cultivated) three times on 14 April 1998; once lightly because of trash and twice to incorporate herbicide. Drilled barley cover crop on April 17 (1 bu/acre, 6-inch rows) and later killed it with applications of Roundup and Gramoxone.
Planting: Peppers were seeded in the greenhouse on April 13. Plants were mechanically transplanted to the field on June 18. Planting pattern was paired rows (12 inches between rows) on 4 ft centers. In-row spacing was 16 inches within a single row, which put a plant every 8 inches for the paired rows. Each plant received 1 pint of fertilizer solution (1 gal 10-34-0 in 100 gal of water) after it was planted.
Plots: Plots were 17 ft long by 4 ft (one paired row) wide. There were 4 reps.
Fertilizer: On April 13, broadcast 14 lbs N/acre and 70 lbs P2O5/acre as 10-50-0, 16 lbs N/acre and 19 lbs S/acre as 21-0-0-24, and 94 lbs K20/acre as 0-0-60. Side dressed 47 lbs of N/acre as urea on July 24.
Irrigation: Underground drip irrigation as needed.
Pest control: Weeds were controlled by Treflan (1 pt/acre on June 11), Roundup + a nonionic surfactant (12 oz/acre + 1 qt/50 gal on May 29), Gramoxone + a nonionic surfactant (3 pt/acre + 1 pt/100 gal on June 11), rototilling between rows, and hand weeding as needed throughout the season. Maneb 75 DF (1.5 lb/acre on July 14) and DiPel (1 lb/acre on August 13) controlled disease and insects.
Harvest: Harvested hot peppers 5 times and sweet peppers 6 times from Aug 19 to Sept 28.


Sweet Peppers: Belle Star and Paladin had high yields and quality, and were early. Belle Star was slightly small but had very thick walls. Renegade had high yields and quality. Boynton Bell, Klondike Bell, RPP 5044, and Sentry had good quality. Emerald Isle and Vivaldi had high yields but lower quality. Golden Arrow, a sweet banana, had high yields but had problems with tip rot. Redstart had high total yields but poor quality.

Hot Peppers: Giant Jalapeño, Olé, Pecos, and Delicias had high yield and good quality. Giant Jalapeño was the earliest and Delicias was the mildest of the jalapeño type peppers. Both serrano type peppers were late maturing and low yielding. Super Chile did well for a small pepper. Ortega, the only Anaheim type pepper in the trial, did okay.

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Table 36. Quantity and yield of sweet peppers in the Oakes Irrigation Research Site 1998 sweet pepper hybrid performance trial.

Hybrid Seed source Number of sweet peppers Sweet pepper yield
fancy US#1's US#2's total fancy US#1's US#2's total
    ------------- 1000s per acre -------------- ----------- 1000 lbs per acre -----------
Acapulco VL 28.0 e 17.3 fg 6.4 d-g 65.0 gh 13.2 cde 6.1 gh 2.6 c-g 26.9 def
Belle Star HM 42.2 cde 34.9 b 8.3 c-g 92.5 bcd 17.2 a-d 11.1 ab 2.5 c-g 32.7 a-d
Bonita HM 28.2 de 17.9 fg 4.0 g 56.2 h 12.3 de 6.4 fgh 1.3 fg 21.8 ef
Boynton Bell HM 38.1 cde 31.1 bc 5.0 fg 79.6 c-g 16.1 a-d 10.2 bc 1.7 efg 29.8 cd
Brigadier NV 30.4 de 23.5 d-g 9.8 b-f 72.7 d-h 13.7 cde 9.0 b-e 3.7 a-d 29.5 cd
Commandant NV 34.6 cde 17.0 fg 5.9 efg 70.0 e-h 16.2 a-d 6.8 d-h 2.4 d-g 29.8 cd
Emerald Isle HM 41.6 cd 23.5 d-g 10.9 bcd 91.9 bcd 19.4 ab 9.2 bcd 4.6 ab 39.1 a
Golden Arrow ST 87.9 b 27.2 bcd 17.5 a 166.6 a 18.3 abc 5.0 hi 3.3 a-e 33.0 a-d
Guantanamo ST 41.2 cde 21.3 d-g 9.1 c-f 86.5 b-f 15.4 a-e 6.5 e-h 2.7 c-g 28.4 cde
Huracan VL 40.1 cde 18.5 efg 6.6 d-g 72.6 d-h 18.0 abc 6.5 d-h 2.3 d-g 29.9 cd
Karma HM 32.0 de 16.7 fg 7.2 d-g 63.9 gh 15.8 a-d 6.4 e-h 2.9 c-f 27.7 cde
Klondike Bell ST 33.5 de 25.5 cde 8.3 c-g 72.9 d-h 15.0 b-e 8.9 b-f 2.7 c-g 28.2 cde
Lipstick JS 105.9 a 23.9 c-f 10.6 b-e 149.9 a 15.5 a-d 2.7 i 1.2 g 20.3 f
Navarone ST 41.6 cd 21.0 d-g 14.3 ab 96.4 bc 16.1 a-d 6.8 d-h 4.8 a 32.8 a-d
Paladin NV 40.8 cde 22.4 d-g 7.8 c-g 77.2 c-g 18.8 ab 7.8 c-h 3.0 b-f 31.8 bcd
Redstart ST 27.7 d 43.6 a 13.0 abc 101.7 b 10.0 e 13.6 a 3.4 a-e 31.4 a-d
Renegade AS 47.2 c 26.6 cd 7.0 d-g 89.8 b-e 20.3 a 8.9 b-f 2.2 d-g 34.2 abc
RPP 5044 NV 35.1 cde 20.1 d-g 6.1 d-g 71.3 d-h 16.2 a-d 7.6 c-h 2.0 d-g 29.0 cde
Sentry NV 31.5 de 22.6 d-g 8.6 c-g 69.0 fgh 14.7 b-e 8.4 b-g 2.8 c-g 27.8 cde
Vivaldi VL 37.2 cde 16.3 g 9.0 c-f 79.1 c-g 19.2 ab 7.5 d-h 4.2 abc 38.2 ab
C.V. (%) 23 22 40 16 22 23 42 17

See appendix A for seed source codes.

Values in the same column followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the 0.05 level.

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Table 37. Quality of sweet peppers in the Oakes Irrigation Research Site 1998 sweet pepper hybrid performance trial.
Hybrid Seed source Fruit shape Fruit length Fruit width Outside color§ Fruit size Wall thickness Uniformity Overall score††
    1 to 3 ----- inches ------ 6 to 7 oz/fruit mm 1 to 3 1 to 10
Acapulco VL 1.1 gh 4.5 f 3.3 c-f 7.0 a 6.6 bc 6.1 b-f 1.8 d-g 6.4 g
Belle Star HM 1.0 gh 3.6 m 3.2 fg 7.0 a 5.7 gh 6.9 a 2.0 a 6.7 a-e
Bonita HM 1.0 gh 4.1 g-j 3.3 a-f 7.0 a 6.2 def 6.1 b-f 1.8 c-g 6.4 fg
Boynton Bell HM 1.0 h 3.8 klm 3.3 b-f 7.0 a 6.0 fg 6.2 b-e 1.9 a-d 6.7 a-f
Brigadier NV 1.0 h 4.1 h-k 3.3 def 7.0 a 6.5 b-e 6.2 bcd 1.7 fgh 6.5 d-g
Commandant NV 1.1 gh 4.4 fgh 3.2 fg 7.0 a 6.8 bc 6.1 b-f 1.9 a-e 6.4 efg
Emerald Isle HM 1.3 f 5.0 e 3.1 g 7.0 ab 6.8 bc 5.7 fg 1.7 gh 6.3 gh
Golden Arrow ST 2.8 b 7.3 a 1.9 k 1.3 d 3.1 j 5.1 hi 1.6 h 6.0 hi
Guantanamo ST 1.6 d 5.6 c 2.8 h 4.1 c 5.3 hi 5.8 efg 1.8 d-g 6.3 gh
Huracan VL 1.1 g 4.4 fg 3.3 b-f 7.0 a 6.5 b-e 6.0 b-f 1.8 b-g 6.5 b-g
Karma HM 1.0 gh 4.2 f-i 3.5 a 7.0 a 6.9 b 5.9 c-g 1.8 d-g 6.5 c-g
Klondike Bell ST 1.0 h 3.8 lm 3.5 ab 7.0 a 6.1 efg 6.2 bcd 1.9 b-f 6.7 a-d
Lipstick JS 3.0 a 3.8 klm 2.1 j 7.0 a 2.2 k 4.6 i 1.9 a-e 6.4 g
Navarone ST 2.1 c 6.8 b 2.5 i 6.9 b 5.4 h 5.5 gh 1.6 h 6.0 i
Paladin NV 1.0 gh 4.0 i-l 3.4 a-d 7.0 a 6.6 bcd 6.2 bcd 2.0 a 6.8 ab
Redstart ST 1.0 gh 3.9 j-m 3.1 g 7.0 a 4.9 i 5.8 d-g 1.7 e-h 5.9 i
Renegade AS 1.0 h 4.0 i-l 3.2 efg 7.0 a 6.0 fg 6.4 ab 2.0 abc 6.7 a-d
RPP 5044 NV 1.0 gh 3.7 m 3.4 a-e 7.0 a 6.5 b-e 6.4 abc 2.0 ab 6.7 abc
Sentry NV 1.0 h 3.7 m 3.4 abc 7.0 a 6.4 c-f 6.0 b-f 1.9 b-g 6.8 a
Vivaldi VL 1.4 e 5.3 d 3.3 b-f 7.0 a 7.7 a 6.0 b-f 1.7 fgh 6.4 g
C.V. (%) 6 4 3 1 5 5 6 3

See appendix A for seed source codes.

Fruit shape - 1 is blocky; 2 is elongated; 3 is tapered.

§Outside color - 1 to 3 is light to dark yellow; 4 is yellow green; 5 to 7 is light to dark green.

Uniformity - The higher the number the more uniform.

††Overall score - Overall score includes appearance but not yield. The higher the number the better the pepper.

Values in the same column followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the 0.05 level.

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Table 38. Cumulative yields of marketable (US Fancy plus US #1) peppers in the Oakes Irrigation Research Site 1998 sweet pepper performance trial.
Hybrid Seed source Cumulative marketable yield of sweet peppers as of:
Aug 20 Aug 27 Sept 3 Sept 11 Sept 18 Sept 29
    -------------------------- 1000s of pounds per acre ------------------------------
Acapulco VL 3.0 b-f 6.6 c-f 10.0 cde 13.3 17.4 19.3 d
Belle Star HM 6.2 a 10.4 abc 14.0 abc 17.8 23.7 28.3 abc
Bonita HM 2.5 c-f 4.5 f 6.9 e 10.8 15.6 18.7 d
Boynton Bell HM 4.7 a-d 9.0 a-d 11.8 a-d 15.0 20.3 26.2 abc
Brigadier NV 5.1 abc 9.7 abc 13.5 abc 16.7 20.4 22.7 bcd
Commandant NV 4.6 a-e 8.3 a-f 13.3 a-d 17.5 21.2 23.0 a-d
Emerald Isle HM 3.5 a-f 8.4 a-e 12.5 a-d 17.6 23.7 28.6 ab
Golden Arrow ST 5.0 a-d 8.6 a-e 13.8 abc 18.9 21.8 23.3 a-d
Guantanamo ST 2.0 ef 4.7 ef 10.0 cde 13.2 17.4 21.9 cd
Huracan VL 2.2 def 5.2 def 8.2 de 12.6 18.9 24.5 a-d
Karma HM 4.5 a-e 7.7 b-f 12.0 a-d 15.3 19.7 22.2 bcd
Klondike Bell St 3.0 b-f 7.6 b-f 11.9 a-d 15.4 20.0 23.9 a-d
Lipstick JS 4.1 a-e 7.4 b-f 11.1 a-e 14.3 16.5 18.1 d
Navarone ST 1.4 f 6.6 c-f 12.9 a-d 16.9 19.8 22.9 a-d
Paladin NV 5.6 ab 11.1 ab 15.1 ab 19.5 23.6 26.6 abc
Redstart ST 5.8 ab 9.3 a-d 15.3 ab 17.4 20.3 23.6 a-d
Renegade AS 3.8 a-f 9.6 abc 14.7 abc 19.0 24.0 29.2 a
RPP 5044 NV 3.7 a-f 7.4 b-f 10.0 b-e 15.2 20.8 23.8 a-d
Sentry NV 3.4 a-f 6.9 c-f 10.7 b-e 15.4 20.3 23.1 a-d
Vivaldi VL 5.6 ab 11.8 a 15.8 a 19.8 23.4 26.7 abc
C.V. (%) 48 33 28 23 20 19

See appendix A for seed source codes.

Values in the same column followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the 0.05 level. There are no significant differences in values in columns with no letters.

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Table 39. Quantity and yield of hot peppers in the Oakes Irrigation Research Site 1998 hot pepper performance trial.
Hybrid Seed source Number of hot peppers Hot pepper yield
fancy US#1's US#2's total fancy US#1's US#2's total
    -------------- 1000s per acre ------------ ---------- 1000s of lbs per acre ----------
Delicias JS 267 c 24 c 15 321 cd 19.7 ab 1.1 bc 0.7 b 22.3 ab
Giant Jalapeño JS 219 cd 21 c 24 280 cd 22.9 a 1.6 b 1.4 a 27.2 a
Olé HM 284 bc 32 bc 11 335 cd 18.8 ab 1.6 b 0.5 bcd 21.2 b
Ortega JS 88 d 28 c 13 148 d 12.5 cd 3.5 a 1.7 a 20.0 b
Pecos RG 295 bc 27 c 15 358 c 20.3 ab 1.3 b 0.8 b 23.6 ab
Rio Verde HM 350 bc 44 bc 20 421 bc 5.3 e 0.5 c 0.2 cd 6.1 d
Salerna BZ 448 b 62 b 32 553 b 10.5 de 1.1 bc 0.5 bc 12.3 c
Sierra Fuego HL 273 c 30 c 20 342 c 16.4 bc 1.3 b 0.8 b 19.5 b
Super Chile JS 1147 a 104 a 33 1291 a 9.1 de 0.4 c 0.1 d 9.6 cd
C.V. (%) 25 44 53 25 21 34 34 20

See appendix A for seed source codes.

Values in the same column followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the 0.05 level.

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Table 40. Quality of peppers in the Oakes Irrigation Research Site 1998 hot pepper performance trial.
Hybrid Seed source Pepper type Outside color§ Fruit length Fruit width Fruit size Wall thickness Uni- formity Overall score
      1 to 10 ----- inches ----- oz/fruit mm 1 to 3 1 to 10
Delicias JS Ja 7.0 b 3.2 e 1.0 d 1.05 c 4.7 b 1.9 ab 6.4 ab
Giant Jalapeño JS Ja 7.0 b 3.8 c 1.5 a 1.56 b 5.3 a 1.8 b 6.4 ab
Olé HM Ja 7.0 b 3.0 f 1.2 b 1.02 cd 4.7 b 1.9 ab 6.5 ab
Ortega JS An 6.5 c 7.2 a 1.5 a 2.22 a 4.0 c 1.8 bc 6.3 ab
Pecos RG Ja 7.0 b 3.5 d 1.1 cd 1.05 c 4.8 b 1.9 ab 6.6 a
Rio Verde HM Se 6.6 c 2.5 g 0.5 e 0.23 ef 3.0 d 2.0 a 6.3 ab
Salerna BZ Se 7.0 b 4.5 b 0.5 e 0.35 e 1.9 e 1.3 d 5.7 c
Sierra Fuego HL Ja 7.0 b 3.0 f 1.2 bc 0.91 d 4.8 b 1.9 ab 6.3 ab
Super Chile JS Mi 9.0 a 2.1 h 0.5 e 0.12 f 2.0 e 1.6 c 6.1 b
C.V. (%) 1 3 8 7 6 6 4

See appendix A for seed source codes.

Pepper type: An-Anaheim; Ja-Jalapeño; Mi-Miniature; Se-Serrano

§Outside color: 1 to 3 is light to dark yellow; 4 is yellow green; 5 to 7 is light to dark green; 8 is orange; 9 is red; 10 is black.

Values in the same column followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the 0.05 level.

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Table 41. Cumulative yields of marketable (US Fancy plus US #1) peppers in the Oakes Irrigation Research Site 1998 hot pepper performance trial.
Hybrid Seed source Cumulative marketable yield of hot peppers as of:
Aug 20 Aug 27 Sept 9 Sept 15 Sept 28
    --------------------1000s of pounds per acre ------------------------
Delicias JS 1.6 bc 3.8 bc 12.0 bc 17.6 ab 20.8 abc
Giant Jalapeño JS 4.4 a 10.4 a 16.0 a 21.1 a 24.4 a
Olé HM 2.9 ab 5.3 b 13.7 ab 18.6 ab 20.4 abc
Ortega JS 0.2 c 3.2 c 9.4 cd 12.5 cd 16.0 cd
Pecos RG 1.1 bc 2.6 c 8.4 de 16.4 bc 21.6 ab
Rio Verde HM 0.1 c 0.2 d 3.2 f 4.4 e 5.8 e
Salerna BZ 0.1 c 0.3 d 6.2 ef 8.8 de 11.6 de
Sierra Fuego HL 1.2 bc 4.9 b 12.5 b 17.8 ab 17.8 bc
Super Chile JS 0.4 c 0.9 d 3.7 f 5.5 e 9.5 e
C.V. (%) 94 28 19 21 20

See appendix A for seed source codes.

Values in the same column followed by the same letter are not significantly different (0.05 level).

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