Oakes Irrigation Research Site
Carrington Research Extension Center * North Dakota State University
P.O. Box 531, Oakes, ND 58474-0531, Voice: (701) 742-2189, FAX: (701) 742-2700, email: rgreenla@ndsuext.nodak.edu

Richard Greenland, Leonard Besemann, and Heidi Kerlin

Pumpkins grow well in North Dakota. Early maturing pumpkins are usually best, but later maturing ones do well in some years.

Result summary

Table 42. Pumpkin emergence and yields.

Table 43. Pumpkin fruit characteristics.

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Soil: Maddock sandy loam and Hecla sandy loam; pH=7.0; 2.2% organic matter; soil-P was high; soil-K was very high; soil-S was very low.
Previous crops: 1997 - field corn; 1996 - pepper; 1995 - cabbage.
Disked on 31 October 1997. Multiweeded (field cultivated) twice on April 13 to smooth seedbed. Drilled barley cover crop on April 14 (1 bu/acre, 6-inch rows) and later killed it with Gramoxone.
Planting: Seeds planted 1 ft apart in rows 9.5 ft apart on May 18. On June 18 thinned to an in-row spacing of one plant every 3 ft.
Fertilizer: On April 13, broadcast 14 lbs N/acre and 70 lbs P2O5/acre as 10-50-0, 16 lbs N/acre and 19 lbs S/acre as 21-0-0-24, and 94 lbs K20/acre as 0-0-60. Sidedressed 66 and 40 lbs N/acre as urea on June 24 and July 24.
Pest control: Sprayed Gramoxone + a nonionic surfactant (3 pt/acre + 1 pt/100 gal on May 20) to kill the barley cover crop and weeds. Also controlled weeds with rototilling and hand weeding. Sprayed Thiodan (2 qts/acre on June 16), Sevin (1 qt/acre on June 26 and July 23), Asana (8 oz/acre on July 1 and July 15), and Ambush (8 oz/acre on July 7) to control cucumber beetles. Sprayed Benlate (2 lb/acre on July 7 and July 23) and Maneb (1.5 lbs/acre on July 14 and July 28) to control disease.
Plots: Plots were 20 ft long by 8 ft (one row) wide.
Irrigation: Underground drip irrigation as needed.
Harvest: Hand harvested September 22 and September 23.


Sweetie Pie was the best miniature pumpkin. RWS 6260 was the best small pumpkin. Racer was the best medium sized pumpkin. Gold Strike and Tallman were the best large pumpkins in the trial (although neither were really good). Fairytale is an oriental pumpkin with very dark orange flesh and a leather colored exterior. It was much denser than the other pumpkins. It would be great for pumpkin pies but looked marginal as a Halloween pumpkin.

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Table 42. Pumpkin emergence and yields for the Oakes Irrigation Research Site 1998 pumpkin performance trial.
Name Seed source Plants emerged Rotten§ Green Marketable
number yield
plants/plot % % fruit/acre tons/acre
Aspen HL 10.3 bcd 39 a 14 c-h 2080 f-i 18.9 bcd
Baby Bear JS 11.7 a-d 6 fgh 11 e-h 16630 c 12.9 d-g
Early Autumn RG 11.5 abc 11 e-h 14 c-h 4320 ef 31.5 a
Fairytale ST 12.5 abc 28 a-d 50 a 800 i 10.2 fg
Gold Strike RP 12.3 abc 34 abc 17 b-g 1680 ghi 17.5 c-f
Hybrid 510 ST 12.0 abc 35 abc 20 b-f 1200 hi 12.8 d-g
Jack of All Trades HL 13.3 a 16 d-g 13 d-h 3840 fg 23.4 bc
Little Lantern ST 10.3 bcd 4 gh 8 fgh 8730 d 10.8 efg
Mother Lode RP 13.8 a 37 ab 27 bc 1520 ghi 14.3 d-g
Peek-A-Boo RG 12.0 abc 12 e-h 15 b-h 6730 de 12.8 d-g
Racer JS 12.8 ab 21 c-f 14 c-h 4320 ef 24.1 abc
Rex 38039 RP 11.8 abc 24 b-e 16 b-g 3360 fgh 20.2 bcd
Rocket JS 12.5 abc 13 d-h 7 fgh 4000 fg 26.1 ab
RWS 6260 RG 12.0 abc 4 gh 5 gh 15130 c 18.1 cde
Sweetie Pie ST 9.8 cd 1 h 24 b-e 38080 a 10.0 efg
Tallman ST 8.5 d 18 d-g 26 bcd 2000 f-i 19.5 bcd
Tom Fox JS 13.3 a 8 fgh 28 b 3360 fgh 22.3 bc
Wee-B-Little RG 9.8 cd 3 gh 3 h 21940 b 8.9 g
Gold Rush†† RP 14.5 7 32 2720 32.6
Jumpin Jack†† RP 14.0 21 26 3200 36.8
Rex 38040†† RP 16.0 12 19 4640 34.2
CV (%) 18 60 53 24 31

See appendix A for source codes.

Number of plants per 17 ft plot. Plants were later thinned to one plant every three feet.

§Rotten - percent of total pumpkins that were rotten at harvest time.

Green - percent of total pumpkins that were immature at harvest time.

††These varieties were not included in the statistical analysis because we had only two plots of each.

Values in the same column followed by the same letter are not significantly different (0.05 level).

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Table 43. Pumpkin fruit characteristics for the Oakes Irrigation Research Site 1998 pumpkin performance trial.
Name Seed source Fruit size Handle (stem) Fruit color§ Fruit shape Uniformity Overall score
lbs/fruit -------------- 1 to 5 --------------- 1 to 3 1 to 10
Aspen HL 18.1 c 2.0 e 3.3 de 3.6 bc 1.5 d 6.3 fg
Baby Bear JS 1.3 fg 4.0 ab 3.0 e 2.0 f 2.1 abc 7.8 a-d
Early Autumn RG 14.9 d 2.9 cd 3.4 cde 4.0 ab 1.5 d 7.0 def
Fairytale ST 25.3 a 2.1 e 6.0 a 1.0 g 1.6 cd 5.5 g
Gold Strike RP 21.5 b 3.6 ab 3.6 bcd 4.5 a 1.6 cd 7.0 def
Hybrid 510 ST 20.8 bc 3.5 abc 3.8 bc 4.3 a 1.5 d 6.8 ef
Jack of All Trades HL 12.1 de 2.9 cd 3.0 e 3.5 bcd 1.8 bcd 7.3 b-e
Little Lantern ST 2.5 fg 4.0 ab 3.0 e 2.5 ef 2.4 a 8.3 a
Mother Lode RP 19.1 bc 2.6 de 3.0 e 4.5 a 1.8 bcd 6.6 ef
Peek-A-Boo RG 3.8 f 3.8 ab 3.3 de 3.1 cd 2.1 ab 7.8 a-d
Racer JS 11.3 e 3.9 ab 4.0 b 3.3 cd 2.3 a 7.9 a-d
Rex 38039 RP 12.0 e 4.0 ab 3.3 de 3.3 cd 1.8 bcd 7.4 a-e
Rocket JS 13.2 de 3.4 bc 3.4 cde 4.3 a 1.6 cd 7.1 c-f
RWS 6260 RG 2.4 fg 3.9 ab 3.0 e 3.1 cd 2.4 a 8.1 ab
Sweetie Pie ST 0.2 g 4.0 ab 3.0 e 1.4 g 2.0 abc 8.0 abc
Tallman ST 19.4 bc 2.3 de 3.0 e 4.3 a 1.8 bcd 7.0 def
Tom Fox JS 13.1 de 4.1 a 3.8 bc 3.3 cd 1.8 bcd 7.3 b-e
Wee-B-Little RG 0.8 g 2.6 de 3.0 e 3.0 de 2.3 a 7.9 a-d
Gold Rush†† RP 24.0 3.5 3.5 3.8 1.8 7.0
Jumpin Jack†† RP 23.0 4.3 3.3 4.5 1.8 6.8
Rex 38040†† RP 14.7 3.5 3.5 3.3 1.5 6.8
CV (%) 17 14 8 11 17 9

See appendix A for source codes.

Handle (or stem) - 1 to 5; the longer and thicker the handle in relation to the size of the pumpkin, the higher the score.

§Color - 2 = light orange, 3 = medium orange, 4 = dark orange, 5 = red orange, 6 = medium leather color.

Shape - 1 = short, 2 = medium short, 3 = round, 4 = medium tall, 5 = tall.

††These pumpkins were not included in the statistical analysis because there were only two plots of each.

Values in the same column followed by the same letter are not significantly different (0.05 level).

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