Oakes Irrigation Research Site
Carrington Research Extension Center * North Dakota State University
P.O. Box 531, Oakes, ND 58474-0531, Voice: (701) 742-2189, FAX: (701) 742-2700, email: rgreenla@ndsuext.nodak.edu

Richard Greenland, Leonard Besemann, and Heidi Kerlin

We are just beginning to experiment with lettuce. There appears to be some good possibilities for markets. Disease, bitterness of the lettuce, and some other problems need to be resolved before it can be commercially produced in North Dakota.

Results summary

Table 30. Lettuce early stand counts and yield (first planting).

Table 31. Quality characteristics of lettuce (first planting).

Table 32. Lettuce early stand counts and yield (second planting).

Table 33. Quality characteristics of lettuce (second planting).

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Soil: Maddock sandy loam and Egeland loam; pH=7.3; 2.5% organic matter; soil-P and soil-K were very high; soil-S was very low.
Previous crops: 1997 - onion; 1996 - sweet corn, garlic, pumpkin and squash; 1995 - carrot.
Disked on 31 October, 1997. First planting: multiweeded (field cultivated) twice on April 24 to incorporate herbicide and smooth seedbed. Second planting: disked, then multiweeded (field cultivated) twice on June 5 to incorporate herbicide and smooth seedbed.
Planting: First planting: direct seeded lettuce on April 24 with a Stanhay vegetable planter modified to drill a barley cover crop (1 bu/acre, 6-inch rows) between and parallel to the lettuce rows. Sprayed Poast + Dash (1.5 pt/acre + 1 qt/50 gal) on May 26 to kill the barley cover crop. Second planting: direct seeded lettuce on June 5. For both plantings, lettuce seeds were spaced about 3 inches apart in 16-inch rows. Plants were later thinned to one ft apart. Seeds were placed about ½  inch deep into a flat, fine seedbed.
Plots: Plots were 17 ft long by two rows (32 inches) wide. The study had 4 reps.
Fertilizer: On April 13, broadcast 14 lbs N/acre and 70 lbs P2O5/acre as 10-50-0, 16 lbs N/acre and 19 lbs S/acre as 21-0-0-24, and 94 lbs K20/acre as 0-0-60. Fertigated 40 lbs N/acre as 28-0-0 on July 9.
Irrigation: Overhead sprinkler irrigation as needed.
Weeds were controlled using Balan (2 lbs/acre applied preplant incorporated on April 24 for the first planting and on June 5 for the second planting) and by hand weeding. No other pest control was done on the first planting. Second planting:  Sprayed Malathion 57 EC (2 pt/acre on July 23) and DiPel (1 lb/acre on July 27) for insect control. Sprayed Maneb (1.5 lbs/acre on July 14) and Rovral (1.5 pt/acre on July 23) to control disease.
Harvest: First planting: harvested 3 ft of each plot on June 29 or July 3.
Second planting: harvested 3 ft of each plot on July 28 or August 4.


We had problems getting a uniform stand. This could have been due to a reaction to the herbicide or it could have been poor seed germination and vigor. We planted a seed about every three inches because we didn't have much seed. The recommended spacing is one to two inches. Most lettuce had a slight to heavy bitter taste. Sierra had a sweet taste and was not bitter. It also had high yields and good quality. We had some problems with white mold, but not as much as last year because we used a much more intensive spray program.

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Table 30. Lettuce early stand counts and yield in the Oakes Irrigation Research Site 1998 lettuce performance trial (first planting).
Variety Seed source Early stand Marketable Total % Marketable Head size
heads yield heads yield heads yield
-- 1000s/acre -- tons/acre 1000s/acre tons/acre -------- % ------- oz/head
Nevada VL 29.5 d 21.8 4.0 cd 30.3 abc 5.3 bcd 73 77 bc 6.6 c
Optima VL 9.0 e 11.0 1.5 d 17.9 c 2.8 d 58 58 d 6.3 c
Red Fox JS 49.5 ab 32.0 6.6 abc 38.9 ab 6.6 abc 84 98 a 6.3 c
Sierra VL 44.4 bc 24.2 8.3 a 31.5 abc 9.0 a 78 92 ab 10.8 ab
Two Star JS 58.9 a 26.6 4.8 bcd 37.5 ab 5.6 bcd 73 88 ab 5.9 c
FM 2549 HM 59.8 a 20.6 4.9 bcd 36.3 ab 7.0 abc 52 71 cd 7.8 bc
FM 2560 HM 59.8 a 23.9 6.1 abc 38.9 ab 6.9 abc 62 85 abc 7.3 bc
FM 2267 HM 34.6 cd 21.8 4.2 bcd 25.4 bc 4.5 cd 84 92 ab 6.2 c
HMX 6552 HM 32.9 cd 20.6 6.9 abc 27.8 abc 8.3 ab 73 84 abc 12.2 a
HMX 6553 HM 16.2 e 18.2 5.2 abc 26.6 bc 5.9 a-d 66 90 ab 10.5 ab
HMX 7550 HM 15.2 e 17.4 3.5 cd 21.2 c 3.8 cd 87 92 ab 6.9 bc
HMX 9561 HM 53.4 ab 27.8 7.2 ab 41.1 a 8.1 ab 66 83 abc 7.5 bc
C.V. (%) 22 37 39 30 34 24 13 31
Probability *** NS * * * NS ** *

See appendix A for seed source codes.

Probability that values in the same column are the same. NS >5%. The *, **, and *** equal <5%, <1%, and <0.1%, respectively.

Values in the same column followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the 0.05 level.

Note: The first five varieties were harvested on July 3. The last seven varieties were harvested on June 29.

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Table 31. Quality characteristics of lettuce in the Oakes Irrigation Research Site 1998 lettuce performance trial (first planting).
Variety Seed source Leaf color Leaf bright-
Leaf curli-
Head height Head width Head tight-
Growth habit‡‡ Uni-
Overall score
1 to 10 1 to 5 1 to 5 ------ inches ------ 1 to 5 1 to 5 1 to 5 1 to 10
Nevada VL 1.5 cde 2.5 b 2.0 de 7.4 cde 9.7 3.1 3.9 a-d 3.0 a 6.3 abc
Optima VL 2.9 b 1.2 b 1.1 e 6.1 e 9.0 4.1 3.1 a-e 2.8 a 6.0 a-d
Red Fox JS 9.9 a 1.7 b 2.8 cd 8.5 a-d 11.8 4.8 4.9 a 2.8 a 6.0 a-d
Sierra VL 10.0 a 2.5 b 2.0 de 9.1 ab 11.6 3.3 4.3 abc 3.4 a 6.9 a
Two Star JS 1.0 e 4.5 a 4.8 a 7.7 b-e 11.5 4.8 4.6 a 3.4 a 6.5 ab
FM 2549 HM 1.0 e 1.6 b 3.5 bc 7.8 a-e 10.5 3.5 2.5 de 3.3 a 5.5 bcd
FM 2560 HM 0.9 e 4.6 a 4.6 ab 9.2 ab 11.2 4.9 1.3 e 3.0 a 5.2 cde
FM 2267 HM 10.0 a 1.8 b 3.5 bc 8.9 abc 10.5 4.8 3.0 b-e 3.1 a 5.1 de
HMX 6552 HM 2.1 bcd 2.6 b 3.0 cd 9.4 a 11.8 3.9 3.6 a-d 3.5 a 5.6 bcd
HMX 6553 HM 1.3 de 2.4 b 3.1 c 8.7 abc 13.1 4.6 2.8 cde 3.4 a 5.6 bcd
HMX 7550 HM 1.2 de 1.1 b 0.9 e 6.8 de 8.8 4.3 1.3 e 1.5 b 4.2 e
HMX 9561 HM 2.5 bc 1.8 b 1.0 e 9.1 ab 10.4 3.1 4.4 ab 3.4 a 5.9 a-d
C.V. (%) 21 49 27 13 21 23 34 21 13
Probability¶¶ *** ** *** ** NS NS ** * **

See appendix A for seed source codes.

Leaf color (1 to 10): 1 to 4 is light to dark green; 5 to 9 are shades of red; 10 is green leaves with red tips.

§Leaf brightness (1 to 5): 1 = dull; 5 = bright.

Leaf curliness (1 to 5): 1 = flat; 5 = very curly.

††Head tightness (1 to 5): 1 = tight; 5 = loose.

‡‡Growth habit (1 to 5): 1 is open or flat; 5 is upright.

¶¶Probability that values in the same column are the same. NS >5%. The *, **, and *** equal <5%, <1%, and <0.1%, respectively.

Values in the same column followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the 0.05 level.

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Table 32. Lettuce early stand counts and yield in the Oakes Irrigation Research Site 1998 lettuce performance trial (second planting).
Variety Seed source Early vigor Early stand Marketable Total % Marketable Head size
heads yield heads yield heads yield
1 to 9 -- 1000s/acre -- tons/acre 1000s/acre tons/acre ------- % ------- oz/head
Nevada§ VL 8.5 76.2 27.8 8.1 30.3 8.2 93 98 9.3
Optima§ VL 7.3 39.9 26.6 4.1 31.5 4.8 85 87 5.1
Red Fox JS 8.5 79.9 32.7 11.5 35.1 11.6 94 99 11.4
Sangria VL 5.5 64.1 27.8 6.6 35.1 8.1 81 84 7.3
Sierra VL 8.8 89.5 37.5 17.7 38.7 18.0 98 99 14.9
Two Star§ JS 8.5 67.8 20.6 4.5 32.7 5.2 73 84 6.7
FM 2549 HM 8.8 85.9 19.4 9.2 35.1 12.4 58 74 15.1
FM 2560 HM 7.8 67.8 30.3 16.2 32.7 16.4 95 99 17.7
FM 2267 HM 8.0 75.0 27.8 9.5 29.0 9.6 97 99 11.9
HMX 6552 HM 8.5 43.6 16.9 9.8 29.0 12.5 58 72 18.4
HMX 6553§ HM 8.8 44.8 24.2 6.9 29.0 7.1 88 98 9.7
HMX 7550§ HM 8.5 70.2 16.9 4.3 27.8 4.7 78 90 7.8
HMX 9561§ HM 8.8 171.8 30.3 9.4 47.2 11.2 64 81 9.7
LSD (0.05) 0.9 30.1 10.1 5.4 NS 5.2 28 NS 4.7
C.V. (%) 8 28 27 41 29 37 24 16 30
Probability†† *** *** ** *** NS *** * NS ***

See appendix A for seed source codes.

Early vigor rating from 1 to 9. The higher the number the more vigorous the plant.

§Harvested on July 28.

Harvested on August 4.

††Probability that values in the same column are the same. NS >5%. The *, **, and *** equal <5%, <1%, and <0.1%, respectively.

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Table 33. Quality characteristics of lettuce in the Oakes Irrigation Research Site 1998 lettuce performance trial (second planting).
Variety Seed source Leaf color Leaf bright-
Leaf curli-
Head height Head width Head tight-
Growth habit‡‡ Uni-
Overall score
1 to 10 1 to 5 1 to 5 ----- inches ------ 1 to 5 1 to 5 1 to 5 1 to 10
Nevada VL 1.8 3.9 2.4 7.9 11.0 3.0 2.5 3.0 5.9
Optima VL 2.0 1.0 1.0 6.6 10.0 4.5 1.3 2.5 4.8
Red Fox JS 10.0 2.9 4.3 9.6 11.1 4.5 2.4 2.0 5.3
Sangria VL 10.0 1.9 1.6 7.3 8.5 4.0 2.0 2.0 5.0
Sierra VL 10.0 4.9 3.6 9.7 11.1 2.3 4.0 2.6 5.5
Two Star JS 2.0 2.0 5.0 8.1 9.4 3.8 2.8 2.6 5.1
FM 2549 HM 2.6 2.8 2.9 8.7 11.6 4.3 1.3 2.1 5.0
FM 2560 HM 1.0 5.0 4.8 11.3 12.7 3.8 2.6 2.1 5.5
FM 2267 HM 10.0 1.4 4.4 10.5 12.9 5.0 1.5 2.1 5.0
HMX 6552 HM 1.0 4.9 5.0 10.4 11.4 2.4 3.3 2.4 5.6
HMX 6553 HM 1.3 3.0 5.0 8.5 9.6 4.0 3.0 2.9 5.5
HMX 7550 HM 3.5 1.0 1.0 7.6 9.2 4.4 3.8 2.8 5.6
HMX 9561 HM 3.3 1.0 1.0 9.9 10.9 3.5 5.0 3.0 6.0
LSD (0.05) 1.1 1.4 1.0 1.1 2.1 1.3 1.5 0.5 0.7
C.V. (%) 17 36 21 9 13 25 38 14 9
Probability¶¶ *** *** *** *** ** ** *** *** *

See appendix A for seed source codes.

Leaf color (1 to 10): 1 to 4 is light to dark green; 5 to 9 are shades of red; 10 is green leaves with red tips.

§Leaf brightness (1 to 5): 1 = dull; 5 = bright.

Leaf curliness (1 to 5): 1 = flat; 5 = very curly.

††Head tightness (1 to 5): 1 = tight; 5 = loose.

‡‡Growth habit (1 to 5): 1 is open or flat; 5 is upright.

¶¶Probability that values in the same column are the same. NS >5%. The *, **, and *** equal <5%, <1%, and <0.1%, respectively.

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