North Dakota Nutrition Council



Site News
Special Late Blight Spore Trapping Network report for June 29 - July 6

Special Late Blight Spore Trapping Network report for June 29 - July 6

Two sites had positive confirmation of late blight spore DNA in this first report of 2020. Late blight has not been confirmed in any potato fields.

Special Late Blight Spore Trapping Network report for June 29 - July 6 - Read More…

Spud Scoop July 3, 2020

Spud Scoop July 3, 2020

NDSU Extension and University of Minnesota are excited to introduce a growing season newsletter that will combine information for potato growers. Welcome to Spud Scoop. Late blight has not been reported in ND, MN or MB. The number of herbicide injury problems in potato have been more commonplace. Aphid trap capture overall was very low with few aphids being recovered in traps.

Spud Scoop July 3, 2020 - Read More…

Potato Blightline 27 June 2020

Potato Blightline 27 June 2020

Late blight has not been reported in ND, MN or MB. Accumulated late blight severity values remain low in single digits, except for extreme northwestern MN where severity values have reached the threshold value of 15.

Potato Blightline 27 June 2020 - Read More…

Potato Blightline 20 June 2020

Potato Blightline 20 June 2020

This is the first issue of the 2020 NDSU Potato Blightline. There have been some changes to the Blightline this year. The telephone hotline is not available, but the Blightline will be sent to our list serve recipients and be available at Late blight severity values and maps are still available on NDAWN as in the past at

Potato Blightline 20 June 2020 - Read More…

2019 Crop Year Research Reports

2019 Crop Year Research Reports

The 2019 potato crop year research reports from Minnesota Area II Potato Research and Promotion Council and the Northern Plains Potato Growers Association are available. Research covers research completed in 2019 in potato production for North Dakota and Minnesota.

2019 Crop Year Research Reports - Read More…

Herbicide Injury in Potato

Herbicide Injury in Potato

Herbicide injury in potato can originate from herbicide residues in seed tubers, soil carryover of herbicides and exposure of the leaves to herbicides during the growth of the plant. As a result, potatoes can have poor emergence, chlorosis, necrosis, growth reduction, misshapen tubers, reduced yield and nonacceptable residues. Injury symptoms can be expresses in the foliage and/or tubers. This poster is intended to help diagnosis injury in potato.

Herbicide Injury in Potato - Read More…

Plant Back of Non-Certified Seed Potato Tubers in North Dakota and Minnesota (A1946)

Plant Back of Non-Certified Seed Potato Tubers in North Dakota and Minnesota (A1946)

From time to time there are shortages in the seed supply and some growers want to plant back non-certified seed. The objective of this article is to cover these rules for North Dakota and Minnesota and discuss how to select the best seed tubers.

Plant Back of Non-Certified Seed Potato Tubers in North Dakota and Minnesota (A1946) - Read More…

Schedule for Research Reporting Conference and International Crop Expo

Schedule for Research Reporting Conference and International Crop Expo

The schedules for the NPPGA Research Reporting Conference and the International Crop Expo is available. We look forward to discussing potato production with the potato growers and industry at these events.

Schedule for Research Reporting Conference and International Crop Expo - Read More…

North Dakota Fresh Market Potato Cultivar/Selection Trial Results for 2019

North Dakota Fresh Market Potato Cultivar/Selection Trial Results for 2019

This article contains the results of the 2019 non-irrigated red- and yellow-skinned trials. Trials were conducted near Hoople, ND in a commercial field. The cultivars or advanced selections grown were selected based on grower interest and industry needs.

North Dakota Fresh Market Potato Cultivar/Selection Trial Results for 2019 - Read More…

Keep Calm and Keep Eating Potatoes

Keep Calm and Keep Eating Potatoes

The French fry supply is being questioned if it will cause a shortage this year. Most years a surplus of potatoes are produced, but it seems this year's supply is much tighter. There was an estimated 93% of potatoes harvested in the United States. There's no need to panic. My advice, keep calm and keep eating potatoes.

Keep Calm and Keep Eating Potatoes - Read More…

Tater Talk: Fresh Potato Results 2019

Tater Talk: Fresh Potato Results 2019

Come learn about the different advanced selections and cultivars of red and yellow potatoes we tested this year. Date: December 6, 2019 Time: 10:00 -12:00 pm Location: NPPGA Office, 420 Business Hwy. 2, East Grand Forks, MN

Tater Talk: Fresh Potato Results 2019 - Read More…

Effect of potato tubers left in the field on the 2020 crop

Effect of potato tubers left in the field on the 2020 crop

With the large amount of potato tubers left in the ground, there have been many asking how this will influence the 2020 crop. Because potatoes are about 80% water, they will freeze in the ground and typically stay frozen until spring, storing nutrients and water until the next growing season. Potato plants take in a large amount of nutrients, when compared to other row crops. To estimate the amount of nutrients that could be left in the soil for 2020, take into account the expected yield (Table 1).

Effect of potato tubers left in the field on the 2020 crop - Read More…

Late Harvest Thoughts

Late Harvest Thoughts

Here are some thoughts and pointers for late season harvest. Good luck getting out the crop. Thank you for being potato farmers and providing a nutritious, healthy food.

Late Harvest Thoughts - Read More…

Potato Pink Eye

Potato Pink Eye

This past year there were numerous cases of Pink eye. This is a physiological disorder most consistently caused by excessive moisture, warm temperatures, loss of foliar canopy and soil compaction. This syndrome gets its name because it can be expressed as a pinkish color and raised areas on the tuber surface. In some cases, Pink eye can develop into corky areas on the tuber skin, often described as elephant hide or corky patch.

Potato Pink Eye - Read More…

Late blight spore trapping network report, August 26-September 9

Late blight spore trapping network report, August 26-September 9

This is the last late blight spore trap report for 2019. No late blight has been found in the spore traps in Minnesota and North Dakota. The number of spore traps being delivered to the lab have decreased because of the end of the growing season. The traps from August 26 to September 2 found no late blight spores (Figure 1). The week of September 2 – 9 also reported no late blight spores found (Figure 2). As the legend in the map indicates, green dots indicate no late blight spores recovered at the marked locations and grey dots indicate no report. If there are comments on this project or if you’d like to host a trap on your farm in the future, please email me.

Late blight spore trapping network report, August 26-September 9 - Read More…

Blightline Sep 9, 2019

Blightline Sep 9, 2019

Late blight is NOT reported in ND, MN or MB. Some fields have been vine-killed or harvested already, but it is important to monitor fields that remain green for the next week or two. Late season outbreaks can result in tuber infection and secondary soft rot in the field or storage. Stay on the lookout for late season disease, especially near pivots, shelterbelts and other areas that stay wet for longer periods. It has been a good season so far with no late blight. This will be the last regularly scheduled NDSU Potato Blightline for 2019 unless late blight is found. We anticipate the Blightline continuing in 2020.

Blightline Sep 9, 2019 - Read More…

Late blight spore trapping network report August 19-26, 2019

Late blight spore trapping network report August 19-26, 2019

No late blight has been found in the spore traps scattered in Minnesota and North Dakota. However, three spore traps from Manitoba reported finding late blight spores this week. An updated report from August 12-19 is provided in Figure 1. The week of August 19-26 reported no late blight spores found (Figure 2). As the legend in the map indicates, green dots indicate no late blight spores recovered at the marked locations and grey dots indicate no report.

Late blight spore trapping network report August 19-26, 2019 - Read More…

Late blight spore trapping network report August 12-19, 2019

Late blight spore trapping network report August 12-19, 2019

More filters arrived for the week of August 5-12. An updated report for this time period found no late blight spores during this time period (Figure 1). The week of August 12-19 reported no late blight spores in the 14 traps that arrived (Figure 2). As the legend in the map indicates, green dots indicate no late blight spores recovered at the marked locations and grey dots indicate no report.

Late blight spore trapping network report August 12-19, 2019 - Read More…

Late blight spore trapping network report August 5-12, 2019

Late blight spore trapping network report August 5-12, 2019

There were more filters that came in for the week of July 29 to August 5. An updated report for this time period found no late blight spores during this time period. The week of August 5-12 also found no late blight spores in the 9 traps reported. As the legend in the map indicates, green dots indicate no late blight spores recovered at the marked locations and grey dots indicate no report.

Late blight spore trapping network report August 5-12, 2019 - Read More…

Aphid Alert, week ending August 9, 2019

Aphid Alert, week ending August 9, 2019

Aphid numbers took a big jump this week, with some important vector species (including Green Peach Aphid) making appearances. Cumulative seasonal catch increased by almost 50% with last week's catch from 214 last week up to 411 including this week's catches. Consequently the Vector Risk numbers rose sharply, doubling over last week.

Aphid Alert, week ending August 9, 2019 - Read More…

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