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Trim Costs for Grilling Out This Summer

We like to grill steaks now and then, but we are on a budget. How can we save money on summertime grilling?
Trim Costs for Grilling Out This Summer

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Compare prices. Consider using less expensive cuts of meat, which are lean, flavorful and budget-friendly. Use a marinade to tenderize cuts such as chuck or round steak. Some stores sell flat iron steaks and other "value cuts." They can be grilled or cooked in a skillet. See "Now Serving: Lean Beef" (available at for more information and recipes for marinades.

Consider your serving sizes, too. A "serving" of meat is about 3 ounces (cooked), which is the size of a deck of cards.

Julie Garden-Robinson, Food and Nutrition Specialist, NDSU Extension Service

Featured in Food Wise June 2016 newsletter (PDF)

Filed under: smart shopping
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