ND Extension Association of Family and Consumer Science


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Embryology Lab

Dr. Anna Grazul-Bilska, a member of the Reproductive Physiology Group, manages a technologically advanced Embryology Lab located in Hultz Hall 103a. Dr. Grazul-Bilska uses this lab for procedures related to her research focused on improving, optimizing and applying assisted reproduction techniques. This lab is also used for teaching and training purposes. 

Embryo Lab from Anna 1  Embryo Lab from Anna 2  Embryo Lab from Anna 3  Embryo Lab from Anna 4


This lab has state of the art equipment required for in vitro fertilization, in vitro activation, as well as oocyte and embryo manipulation and culture.

Embryo Lab 1        Embryo Lab 2        Embryo Lab 3


If you have any questions for Dr. Grazul-Bilska, or would like to learn more about her research, please contact her via email Anna.Grazul-Bilska@ndsu.edu.

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