Langdon REC


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Host range of Plasmodiophora brassicae in North Dakota

Clubroot resting spores found in soil samples across North Dakota


Clubroot in Canola - Research Updates of 2020

Canola Diseases: Clubroot  -  PP1998, Dec 2020

Canola Diseases: Sclerotinia Stem Rot - PP1989, Oct 2020

Canola Diseases: Blackleg - PP1988, Sept 2020


Prevalence of Clubroot on Canola in North Dakota

Cultivar Evaluation to Manage Clubroot on Canola

Efficacy of Various Doses of Soil Amendments to Manage Clubroot on Canola in Field Conditions

Clubroot of Canola Survey in North Dakota

Management of Clubroot (Plasmodiophora brassicae) using Chemicals, Surfactants, and Various types of Lime

Pathotypes of Plasmodiophora brassicae, the causal agent of Clubroot on Canola in North Dakota (combined with another report)


Clubroot of Canola: Prevalence and Evaluation of Chemicals, Canola Cultivars and Brassica Hosts to Manage Clubroot on Canola in Field Condition

Fungicide Evaluation to Manage White Mold in Canola

Increased Spread of Clubroot to New Fields in Cavalier County

Management of Blackleg in Canola with Fungicides

Evaluation of Various Chemicals, Cruciferous Hosts and Canola Cultivars to Manage Clubroot on Canola in Field Conditions


        Fungicide Evaluation to Manage White Mold in Canola

        Increased Spread of Clubroot to New Fields in Cavalier County

        Management of Blackleg in Canola with Fungicides

        Evaluation of Various Chemicals, Cruciferous Hosts and Canola Cultivars to Manage Clubroot on Canola in Field Conditions


        Survey and Creating Awareness on Identification and Management Plan of Clubroot of Canola in Northeastern North Dakota

        Fungicide Evaluation to Manage White Mold in Canola

        Management of Blackleg in Canola with Fungicides


        Management of White Mold in Canola with Foliar Fungicides, Langdon


Fungicide evaluation to control Sclerotinia stem rot in Canola

Experimental product evaluation for Sclerotinia stem rot control in canola


Fungicide tank mixtures for control of Sclerotinia stem rot on canola

Fungicide Treatment by Growth Stage for Control of Blackleg Diesease on Canola

Fungicide for Control of Blackleg Disease on Canola


Evaluation of fungicide on canola for white mold control


Evaluation of Two Fungicides Applied at Different Growth Stages to Optimize Efficacy for Blackleg Control in Canola


Canola Blackleg Nursery

Evaluation of foliar fungicides for control of blackleg of canola in Langdon, ND 

Evaluation of Foliar Fungicides on Canola for Control of Sclerotinia Stem Rot


Adjuvants to Enhance the Efficacy of BASF 510 (Endura) Fungicide for Control of Sclerotinia sclerotiourum

Improved Fungicide Efficacy on Canola through Application Technology

Calcium Supplement alone or in Combination with Ronilan Fungicide at Three Timings for Control of White Mold in Canola

Evaluation of Canola Lines for Resistance to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and Response to Fungicide Application

Evaluation of Foliar Fungicide on Canola for Control of Sclerotinia Stem Rot


Improved Fungicide Efficacy on Canola through Application Technology

Effect of Calcium Applied alone or with Ronilan Fungicide at two Growth States for Control of White Mold

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