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Budget Your Thanksgiving Meal

When we think about Thanksgiving one of the first things that comes to mind is food (turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, sweet potatoes, etc.). Here are some tips to save some money on your meal this holiday.

Thanksgiving turkey

  • Don’t make too much. If you’re throwing food out at the end of the week, you made too much food and are wasting money.
  • Don’t make things people don’t like. Just because it is a family tradition doesn’t mean you HAVE to make it.
  • Cut some of the appetizers. If everyone is full before they start the main course, you’re going to have a lot of food left.
  • Let others help and bring things. You don’t have to make it all yourself. Even if you just have someone bring the desserts, that will cut back on costs.
  • To reduce waste, use your leftovers before they spoil. For ideas on what to do with leftover Thanksgiving foods check out these Thanksgiving Leftover Ideas (

Sources: Carrie Johnson, 701-231-8593,

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