Indoor Air Quality
Indoor Air Quality - Resource Site
University of Minnesota:
Home Indoor Air Quality
Other Links:
Healthy Indoor Air for America's Homes
Healthy Home Partnership - collaboration of the USDA and Department of Housing and Urban Development.a>
The Inside Story: A Guide to Indoor Air Quality - EPA
Home Indoor Air Quality Knowledge Base - This website focuses upon the identification of air pollutants, their health effects, and their sources as well as the prevention, investigation, and correction of indoor air quality concerns in houses.
American Lung Association - Air Quality - This site contains many pages dealing with a variety of air quality issues.
EPA's Indoor Air Quality Home Page - Environmental Protection Agency's Indoor Environment Division's homepage containing many different topic including safety in different types of buildings.
EPA's IAQ Hotlines - Lists indoor air quality hotline numbers with a description for each of them.
Environmental Health Laboratory Branch: IAQ Program
Health House - Indoor Air Quality- A quality site that contains, among other things, information about household items that causes air quality problems, health hazards and home building tips.
American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Online- A website dedicated to the study and treatment of allergic diseases. Contains a physician referral directory, a larger resource center, and more.