

Soil & Fertilizer

Sodicity and Remediation of Sodic Soils in North Dakota - SF1941

This publication defines sodicity and explains the effects it can have on crop production. There is information on the remediation of sodic soils, brine spills, and the importance of calcium amendment mixing.

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Soil Organic Matter Does Matter - SF1942

This publication talks about soil organic matter and its classifications and benefits. It also describes how to build organic matter and how it is destroyed.

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Managing Saline Soils in ND

Managing Saline Soils in North Dakota - SF1087

Saline soils have salt levels high enough that either crop yields begin to suffer or cropping is impractical. Excessive salts injure plants by disrupting the uptake of water into roots and interfering with the uptake of competitive nutrients. Several factors contribute to the development of saline soils in North Dakota, but a high water table is a prime requirement. Recognizing how and why salts accumulate is the first step in farming profitably on land interspersed with saline soils. Preventing further encroachment of salinity and addressing remediation strategies are other steps.

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