Personal and Family Finance


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Paying Off Your Debt

Debt can become a big issue for individuals and families. Creating a debt-reduction plan is a great way to write out your goals and allow you to see how much you spend and where you spend it.

Using a tool such as PowerPay ( is one way to receive a personalized, self-directed debt-elimination plan.

Here are some other resources if you are struggling to pay your debt:

Credit counseling: Reputable credit counseling organizations can give you advice on how to manage your money. The counselors are trained in consumer credit and/or financial counseling.

Debt management plans: You pay a credit counseling organization, which then pays your unsecured debt according to a payment schedule the counselor develops with your creditors.

Debt settlement programs: Under these programs, a company negotiates with your creditors and allows you to settle your debt, as a lump-sum payment, for a lower amount than borrowed.

Debt consolidation: You consolidate all of your current debt into a lower-interest-rate loan (second mortgage or home equity loans are examples).

Source: , NDSU Extension Service Personal and Family Finance Specialist, 701-231-8593.



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