

Food Preparation & Recipes

Putting a Healthy Spin on Prepackaged Favorites

Many people do not have a lot of time to devote to meal preparation. While many convenience foods are available, some are high in sodium or fat. You can make these foods more nutritious without doing a lot of work. From Cooking 101 (Week 6) Quick and Easy Menus, Recipes and Tips for Singles and Couples

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Quick Facts: Your Game Plan: Healthful Snacking for Sports Fans

Your favorite team is winning and you just watched the best half-time show you have ever seen. You reach into the bowl of crunch snacks and discover it's empty. How did that happen? Included in this publication are tips to manage snacking, ideas on how to make snacks healthier, along with recipes to enjoy.

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VARY YOUR VEGGIES: Add Some Vegetables to Your Diet

Keep washed, ready-to-eat vegetables on hand and easy to find. How many times does someone in your family open the refrigerator door to see what there is to eat and take one of the first foods he or she sees? So let the cleaned vegetables be seen first. Also, set them out when meals and snacks are eaten. On the run? Cut up some veggies and put them in zip-top bags. Stop in the produce department to see if some vegetables are cut up and ready to eat for a snack. If you do not have a cooler or refrigerator nearby, remember to eat cut-up produce within two hours for safety.

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