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Publication ECMAScript program Steps to Reducing Sodium in Recipes
Let’s practice our food sodium knowledge by modifying a chili recipe.
Located in Food & Nutrition
Publication Quick Facts: Your Game Plan: Healthful Snacking for Sports Fans
Your favorite team is winning and you just watched the best half-time show you have ever seen. You reach into the bowl of crunch snacks and discover it's empty. How did that happen? Included in this publication are tips to manage snacking, ideas on how to make snacks healthier, along with recipes to enjoy.
Located in Food & Nutrition
Publication Nourish Your Digestive System
Have you heard about probiotics and prebiotics?
Located in Food & Nutrition
Publication Harvest Health at Home: Rate Your Fiber Fitness
Fiber isn’t a “miracle food,”but adding fiber-rich foods to your diet can have health benefits. The National Cancer Institute suggests that foods high in fiber may be protective against some cancers, particularly colon cancer. Although the National Cancer Institute recommends getting 20 to 35 grams of fiber per day. Soluble fiber (found in oats, dry edible beans, barley and fruits) helps lower blood cholesterol and may reduce the risk of heart disease. Insoluble fiber (found in wheat bran, whole-wheat products and vegetables) helps prevent ulcers, constipation, hemorrhoids and diverticulosis. High fiber foods usually are low in calories and many are inexpensive, too.
Located in Food & Nutrition
Publication C header Questions and Answers About School Lunchroom Strategies to Promote Health
Research has shown that certain strategies can be implemented in the cafeteria setting that may help students make more nutritious food choices.
Located in Food & Nutrition
Publication Stop Germs in Their Tracks With Proper Hand-washing
Did you know that proper hand washing is the single most important way to help prevent the spread of illness? Clean your hands thoroughly to help prevent germs from spreading from person to person and throughout a community.
Located in Food & Nutrition
Publication image/x-jg Love Your Heart!
The heart is a pump that provides oxygen to each and every cell of the body. Feel your pulse: Each time your heart beats, it is moving blood by expanding and contracting. It is a muscle that is essential to life, which is why treating your heart with care is so important. Keeping your heart strong starts with good choices we make when we are young. Being physically active and eating a healthful diet keeps our heart beating strong.
Located in Health & Fitness
Publication Steps to Healthy, Economical Meals
We chose the recipes in this cookbook because they are tasty, nutritious, economical and easy to prepare. We hope some become your family favorites!
Located in Food & Nutrition
Publication C header Questions & Answers About Prediabetes/Diabetes and Your Health
Nearly 29.1 million Americans have diabetes, according to estimates from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). In addition, an estimated 86 million U.S. adults have prediabetes. Prediabetes affects 35 percent of adults age 20 and older and half of Americans
Located in Food & Nutrition
Publication Key Coping Tools in Times of Farm/Ranch Stress
All of us cope with the stresses and challenges of life daily. When it comes to farm/ranch stress finding tools that will help us manage stress is needed to help make decisions. This publication is part of a series called Managing Stress and Pursuing Wellness in Times of Tight Margins.
Located in Kids & Family
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