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Publication object code Field to Fork Cilantro
Learn about growing, storing and preserving cilantro, and view cooking tips and recipes.
Located in Food & Nutrition
Publication Now You're Cookin'! Slow Cooker Meals
Imagine this: You have just walked in the door and are greeted by the aroma of a tender beef stew simmering in your slow cooker. You slice a loaf of whole-wheat bread and toss a simple spinach and strawberry salad. Dinner is served! Evenings like this can go from a dream to reality when using a slow cooker.
Located in Food & Nutrition
Publication Food Preservation: Jellies, Jams and Spreads
Sweet spreads are foods with many textures, flavors and colors. They are thickened or jellied to varying degrees. The traditional jellies and jams are preserved primarily by sugar.
Located in Food & Nutrition
Publication ECMAScript program Now You're Cookin'! Well-measured Recipes
Family meals promote family togetherness. Family meals provide a time to share what is going on in each other’s lives and enjoy a nutritious meal. Families who eat together are more likely to have more balanced meals. Preparing the meal is an important part of mealtime. Have children help in every aspect of the preparation, from choosing the menu to setting the table to making the meal. Including children in the preparation can lead to lifelong knowledge and memories.
Located in Food & Nutrition
Publication ECMAScript program Now You're Cookin'! Tasty, Healthful Meals on a Budget Week 5:Time-saving Tips, Menus and Recipes
In today's busy world, cooking a meal completely from scratch may be difficult. However, convenience foods usually cost more and may be higher in calories, fat and sodium. This is the fifth in a series of publications to help you eat well but spend less at the grocery store. It includes time-money-saving tips and sample menus with recipes that you can adapt to meet your family's tastes.
Located in Food & Nutrition
Publication ECMAScript program Now You're Cookin'! Tasty, Healthful Meals on a Budget Week 4: Planned-over Food Tips, Menus and Recipes
Planning menus, shopping for foods and using your leftovers wisely can pay off in many ways. Your family can enjoy healthy meals with lots of variety, and you can stretch your budget.
Located in Food & Nutrition
Publication ECMAScript program Now You're Cookin'! Tasty, Healthful Meals on a Budget Week 2: Grocery Shopping Tips, Menus and Recipes
Menu planning can help you serve your family healthier meals and it can help you save money at the grocery store. After Planning your menus, the next step is developing a grocery list so you have all the necessary foods for each meal. This is the second in a series of publications to help you eat well but spend less at the grocery store. It includes grocery shopping tips, sample menus and recipes that you can adapt to meet your family's tastes.
Located in Food & Nutrition
Publication ECMAScript program Now You're Cookin'! Tasty, Healthful Meals on a Budget Week 1: Meal Planning Tips, Menus and Recipes
Planning menus, buying food and fixing meals your family likes can be challenging tasks. Staying within your food budget can add to the challenge. This is the first in a series of publications to help you eat well but spend less at the grocery store. It includes sample menus that you can adapt to meet your family's tastes.
Located in Food & Nutrition
Publication Now You're Cookin'! Nutritious After-school Snacks
Providing nutritious snacks doesn’t have to be expensive but you may need to do some planning to make them readily available for your child. Getting kids to eat fruits and vegetables can be difficult. Make snack time fun. For example, provide a variety of cut-up fruits and vegetables and let your kids create their own kabobs. You also may want to try serving vegetables with low-fat dip to make them more appealing.
Located in Food & Nutrition
Publication Now You're Cookin'! Lean Beef
Beef is a versatile menu item whether you’re cooking for one, two or a crowd. Beef provides protein, vitamins and minerals. A typical serving size for beef and other meat is 3 ounces, which is about the size of a deck of cards. A 3-ounce serving of lean ground beef has about 180 calories, 10 grams of fat and 15 percent of the daily recommendation for iron.
Located in Food & Nutrition
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