

129 items matching your search terms. Sort by relevance · date (newest first) · alphabetically
Publication Eat Smart: Choose Healthful Snacks!
Think of snacks as minimeals that help provide nutrients and energy you need to grow, play and learn. Most kids do best when they eat four to six smaller meals a day.
Located in Food & Nutrition
Publication Eat Smart: Choose Healthy Pre- and Post-game Meals
Have a light meal so it can be digested easily. The pregame meal should include a variety of foods but focus on carbohydrate rich food such as bread or pasta. Make sure to include grains, fruits and vegetables in the meal. Drink plenty of fluids.
Located in Food & Nutrition
Publication Play Hard! Get Your Physical Activity
Physical activity helps build and maintain a strong body. Be active every day! Kids need 60 minutes of physical activity most days of the week. Adults need at least 30 minutes of physical activity to stay healthy.
Located in Food & Nutrition
Publication chemical/x-pdb Nourish Your Bones and Joints: Size up the Supplement
Supplements have different serving sizes and intake recommendations. To determine how many milligrams (mg) of a nutrient are in each capsule, divide the milligrams of that nutrient by the number of capsules in each serving size. Remember, you probably are getting some vitamins and minerals from your diet. Be sure to include both supplements and dietary intake when considering if you are getting the right amount of a nutrient.
Located in Food & Nutrition
Publication Eat Smart: Get your Iron!
Your body needs iron to move oxygen from your lungs to the rest of your body. Iron is an important part of hemoglobin, which is the part of your red blood cells that carries oxygen throughout the rest of the body.
Located in Food & Nutrition
Publication Eat Smart. Play Hard. Do You Need an Energy Drink??
People often substitute energy drinks for healthier beverage choices, so compare the Nutrition Facts labels. Energy drinks provide few if any of the needed vitamins and minerals provided by healthier beverage choices. Plain water is a better choice for most individuals.
Located in Food & Nutrition
Publication Eat Smart: Bone Up on Calcium
Children ages 9 to 13 need 1,300 milligrams of calcium a day to keep their bones and teeth strong. Children ages 4 to 8 need 800 milligrams of calcium per day. They also need vitamin D, which helps the body use the calcium. Milk is fortified with vitamin D. Many foods contain calcium. The best sources are milk, yogurt and cheese. Fish, soy products and nuts also are good sources of calcium. Some fruit juices, cereals, breads, snacks and other foods have added calcium.
Located in Food & Nutrition
Publication Eat Smart: Enjoy Breakfast Every Day!
Eating breakfast fuels the body with needed nutrients, provides energy for an active day, gets you ready to learn and helps you keep a healthy body.
Located in Food & Nutrition
Publication Haskell source code Food Preservation Facts or Myths?
Food preservation guidelines have changed through time. Test your knowledge of current food preservation recommendations by deciding if these statements are facts or myths. See the answers and explanations on the back.
Located in Food & Nutrition
Publication Safe Food for Babies and Children: A Guide for Babysitters - Parent Edition
As a parent, you most likely will need a babysitter to look after your children at some time. Infants and young children are especially vulnerable to foodborne illness, and even a small error in food preparation can cause severe illness. Making sure your babysitter is prepared to provide care safely will assure a positive experience for both you and your sitter.
Located in Food & Nutrition
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