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Publication object code Cooking for One or Two
One- and two-person households are a growing sector in North Dakota and the United States. About 37% of U.S. two-person households (ages 45 to 64) were empty nesters. Eighty percent of those 65 and older were in two- or one-person households, according to the Population Bulletin, 2019. They all have something in common: They need to eat! Sometimes, cooking for one or two may seem like it’s not worth the trouble; however, everyone needs a variety of foods to stay healthy. Homemade meals usually are more nutritious, better tasting and more economical, compared with restaurant meals.
Located in Food & Nutrition
Publication object code Brown Baggin’ It A Guide to Lunches on the Go
Follow the tips here to pack a safe and nutritious lunch.
Located in Food & Nutrition
Publication Safe and Healthy Eating During Pregnancy
During pregnancy, women are more vulnerable to food-borne illness because of hormone changes that lower immunity. Fortunately, most cases of food-borne illness can be prevented by following the guidelines provided in this publication.
Located in Food & Nutrition
Publication Quick Facts: Becoming the Grill Master
When done right, grilling can be one of the more healthful ways to prepare food. Preparing meats and poultry on the grill allows excess fat to drip away. Very little fat needs to be added to foods cooked on the grill.
Located in Food & Nutrition
Publication D source code Safe Food for Babies: Handling Breast Milk, Formula and Baby Food
Infants and young children are most at risk for foodborne illness because their immune systems are not fully developed. Follow the tips in this publication to keep breast milk, formula and baby food safe for babies.
Located in Food & Nutrition
Publication Keep Food Safe at Community Dinners and Potlucks
Safe food handling is important, especially when groups of people are fed at community events. Temperature control is a critical issue for volunteer food handlers. keep food safe when preparing and serving food to large groups.
Located in Food & Nutrition
Publication Now You're Cookin'! Recipe Makeovers
Learn to prepare your old family favorites in new, healthier ways with these recipe makeovers. Not all recipes need a makeover. If you can answer yes to the following questions, the recipe might be right for a makeover.
Located in Food & Nutrition
Publication Keep Food Safe During Summer Picnics
Although mosquitoes and flies can be annoying pests at picnics, the "bugs" you can't see, such as harmful bacteria, are a bigger problem. Use these tips to beat bacteria at your summer picnic.
Located in Food & Nutrition
Publication Freezing Fruits
Freezing is one of the easiest methods of preserving foods. Following the guidelines in this circular will help ensure that your frozen fruits remain nutritious and high in quality.
Located in Food & Nutrition
Publication chemical/x-mdl-rdfile Nutrition and Fitness: Eat Smart Play Hard
You are many things. You are a muscle mover, blood pumper, thinker, calorie burner and nutrient user. You are all these things and much more! You're a walking, talking, munching, crunching person. You are on the move.
Located in Food & Nutrition
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