

129 items matching your search terms. Sort by relevance · date (newest first) · alphabetically
Publication Field to Fork Leafy Greens!
Leafy greens include lettuce, spinach, Swiss chard, kale and arugula. They are easy to grow and prepare, and provide a wide variety of nutrients.
Located in Food & Nutrition
Publication ECMAScript program Field to Fork Apples!
Apples are members of the rose family, and more than 7,500 varieties are grown throughout the world. Apples can be eaten fresh, frozen, canned or dried.
Located in Food & Nutrition
Publication Field to Fork Sweet Corn!
Sweet corn on the cob (or off the cob) is a tasty addition to meals. Corn, also called “maize,” is sold by color, not variety (white, yellow or bicolor). Corn can be preserved in different ways to be enjoyed year-round.
Located in Food & Nutrition
Publication Field to Fork Snap Beans!
Snap beans are delicious vegetables that are easy for people of all ages to grow. They are easy to preserve, so we can enjoy them year-round.
Located in Food & Nutrition
Publication On the Pulse of Healthful Eating: Making Freezer Meals With Lentils, Chickpeas and Split Peas
This publication provides background on making freezer meals featuring pulse recipes.
Located in Food & Nutrition
Publication C header Questions and Answers About School Lunchroom Strategies to Promote Health
Research has shown that certain strategies can be implemented in the cafeteria setting that may help students make more nutritious food choices.
Located in Food & Nutrition
Publication Harvest Health at Home: Add Fiber to Your Diet
Having more fiber in your diet helps lower blood cholesterol and prevents constipation, and may help prevent cancer. Many people shortchange themselves on the 20 to 35 grams per day fiber recommendation. The average American consumes 10 to 15 grams of fiber per day.
Located in Food & Nutrition
Publication text/texmacs Keep Food Safe from Store to Storage: Shopping Food Safety Facts
Plan your trip around the grocery store, and make it the last stop before going home. Use a shopping list. Shop for nonperishable foods first, followed by frozen and refrigerated items such as meats, fish, eggs, dairy products and deli meats.
Located in Food & Nutrition
Publication Safe Food for Babies and Children: A Guide for Babysitters - Babysitter Edition
Babysitting is a great way to earn money, help neighbors and gain job experience. It’s a big responsibility, too. When parents trust you to babysit, they are placing their children’s health and safety in your hands.
Located in Food & Nutrition
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