North Dakota State University
NDSU Extension Service

Time/Life Management -- Books

The Art of Time
Jean-Louis Servan-Shreiber
138 Pages
Most of us have a problem managing time.  We rush through or daily activities and find discontent and stress.  This book illuminates the causes of our dissatisfaction and provides gems of insight into how we can achieve serenity and effectiveness in all that we do.

Malcolm Gladwell

2005, 277 pages
This book is about “how we think without thinking”, about choices that seem to be made in an instant that actually aren’t as simple as they seem.  It reveals that great decision makers aren’t those who process the most information or spend time deliberating.  Being written by a psychologist who studies how our brains really work every day, this book can change the way you understand every decision you make.

Gray Matters: The Workplace Survival Guide
Bob Rosner, Allan Halcrow, and John Lavin
Time/Life Management
2004, 336 Pages
Forget deserted islands, today’s toughest survival challenge is the workplace.  Threatened with layoffs, reorganization, or other dramatic changes, people need a guidebook for navigating the treacherous wilds of work.  Full of uncommon insight and practical guidance, this book offers real business wisdom in an action-packed, endlessly entertaining illustrated format that trades cynicism for solutions.

How to Get Control of Your Time and Your Life
Alan Lakein
160 pages
This book talks to you about how to build your willpower.  It also talks about how to waste time for pleasure and profit and how to work smarter as well as harder.

How to be Organized in Spite of Yourself
Sunny Schlenger and Roberta Roesch
246 Pages
This book is designed to help you become organized no matter what your personality type is. You will learn how
to create to-do lists that really work, tips on using technology, how to use time-log analysis and personalized
strategies for managing your time, your space and your life.

How to Organize Your Work and Your Life
Robert Moskowitz
342 Pages
This book attempts to show you how to order your priorities, how to work to a deadline without ignoring other responsibilities, how to work efficiently on a train or a plane, how to organize an effective filing and paperwork system, how to get off phone calls without losing friends and how to start an amazing effective program for achieving personal dreams.

It's About Time: A Practical Guide to Managing Your Most Important Resource
Stewart L. Stokes, Jr.
1982, 143-page Book
If you have trouble finding enough time in the day to accomplish what you want to, this book is for you. The author shows you how to achieve both personal and career goals, assess your priorities, and recognize your time-wasting behaviors. Using a practical, results-oriented approach, the author provides a series of workshop exercises designed to help you develop the proven techniques of effective time/life management which should put you in control.

The Procrastinator’s Handbook: Mastering the Art of Doing it Now
Rita Emmet
224 pages
This book provides a humorous and advice filled approach to help you identify how and why you put things off,
information on how to motivate yourself to begin and finish unpleasant tasks, and how to organize your time and
efforts to achieve your goals. It is filled with useful advice and real-life stories of people who have overcome

The Richest Man in Town
V.J. Smith
2007, 95 pages
The Richest Man in Town is a true story that captures the important things in life in an unforgettable way. It is beautifully written and will make you laugh, make you cry, but most importantly, will make you reflect on what life is about.

Slowing Down to the Speed of Life: How to Create a More Peaceful, Simpler Life from the Inside Out
Carlson, Richard and Joseph Bailey
1997, 211 pages
Feel like you're always rushing but never catching up? Are you doing more, but enjoying it less? The frantic pace and pressure of modern life can take a serious toll on your happiness and your health--but there is a way to step off the treadmill without giving up your career or your activities. The answer lies not in sacrificing your work productivity or your lifestyle but rather in changing your attitudes. By using simple exercises to slow down your mind and focus on the present moment, you can actually achieve greater productivity and creativity--all while maintaining a calmer, healthier state of mind.

The Time Trap: The Classic Time Management Book
Alec Mackenzie
282 Pages
This book is filled with smart tactics, hard-hitting interviews and handy time management tools to help you
squeeze the optimal efficiency and satisfaction out of your workday. You will also discover practical solutions for
pinpointing and combating the top twenty time wasters.

Tick Tock! Who Broke the Clock? Solving the Work-Life Balance Equation
Warren "Trapper Woods, CSP, and William A. Guillory, Ph.D.
2003,107-page Book
Realizing that your personal and work life are one, inseparable whole, this book guides you through a seven-step process for achieving the quality of life you desire and deserve. Dr. Guillory was a speaker at the 2003 Galaxy II conference in Salt Lake City.

Transitions: Making Sense of Life's Changes
William Bridges
1980, 165-page Book
This book contains strategies for coping with the difficult painful and confusing times in your life. It takes you step-by-step through the transition process, offering skills, suggestions and advice for endings, the neutral zone and the new beginning.

The World is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century
Thomas L. Friedman
2006, 593 pages
This book describes the expansion, globalization, and changes of our time when it comes to advances in technology and communications, putting people all over the world in touch like never before.  You may think: has the world gotten too small and too fast for human beings and their political systems to adjust in stable manner?  Thomas explains to you how the “world is getting flatter,” what happened at the dawn of the twenty-first century, and how it effects countries, communities, governments, individuals and companies.



Books can be checked out for one month, audio and video tapes for two weeks. Contact the Distribution Center at or 701 231-7882 to check out Staff Resource Library materials, or stop by Morrill 10 to browse the shelves.