

Food Preparation & Recipes

What's in Your Home Food Pantry?

Pinchin' Pennie$ in the Kitchen: What's in Your Home Food Pantry? - FN1706

A pantry stocked with essential nonperishable food items can save time and money. This publication provides a list of some ideas for common pantry items to personalize based on the ingredients that you use when you cook or bake.

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Snack Mixes

Pinchin' Pennie$ in the Kitchen: Make Your Own Snack Mixes - FN1753

Homemade snack mixes can be an inexpensive and healthful option for children and adults. Each snack mix recipe in this handout contains kid-friendly ingredients. These grab-and-go snacks can be served after school or you can take them along on family vacations on the road.

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Creating a Sandwich

Pinchin' Pennie$ in the Kitchen: 7 Steps to Creating a Sandwich - FN1756

Sandwiches are easy to make and can serve as a quick meal for you or your family any time of day. Choose whole-grain bread, a variety of vegetables, fruit and lean protein to pack your sandwich full of nutrients. Sandwiches are versatile. You can make your sandwich cold, cook just the meat or grill the whole thing.

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Unit Pricing

Pinchin' Pennie$ in the Kitchen: 6 Tips to Save Money With Unit Pricing - FN1752

Unit pricing is a term that describes pricing goods to determine what the cost is per unit of measure, such as pounds, ounces or quarts. Finding the unit price of an item allows consumers to find the “best buy” and determine any advantages to buying in bulk or switching brands.

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Making a Quesadilla

Pinchin' Pennie$ in the Kitchen: 7 Steps to Making a Quesadilla - FN1717

Create a quesadilla with a variety of colors and flavors for your next family dinner. Have your family pick out their favorite quesadilla fillings with this flexible yet delicious recipe. Choose whole-wheat tortillas with lean protein, low-fat cheese and a variety of veggies to make an easy, fun and nutritious meal.

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Uses for Dry Milk

Pinchin' Pennie$ in the Kitchen: 4 Everyday Uses for Dry Milk - FN1713

Nonfat dry milk has the same nutrient value as skim milk. Dry milk is versatile and has a long shelf life. It is a good source of protein, vitamins A and D, calcium and essential fats. Be sure to store dry milk in a cool place in an airtight container. Unsealed nonfat dry milk keeps for a few months. Because of its fat content, dry whole milk can be stored for only a few weeks.

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How to Prepare Vegetables

Vary Your Veggies: How to Prepare Vegetables - FN1453

Try something new! To take advantage of all their benefits, eat a variety of colors every day and vary your cooking methods to add variety to your menus. Cooking methods: microwave, steam, sitr-fry, pan, bake, broil.

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Steps to Reducing Trans Fat and Saturated Fat in Recipes

Steps to Reducing Trans Fat and Saturated Fat in Recipes - FN1687

Let’s practice our heart-healthy fat knowledge by modifying a brownie recipe.

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Food and Culture

North Dakota Food and Culture: A Taste of World Cuisine - FN1513

Have you ever tasted lefse, fleischkeukle, tacos, pizza or curry? Most likely you have tasted at least one of these foods even though all of them originated in other countries. During holidays in particular, you may enjoy recipes your grandparents or their grandparents enjoyed. Food goes beyond providing nourishment for the body. Food also helps nurture family traditions and connects us with other cultures. Food can help different groups of people understand and appreciate each other’s differences.

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Baking Master Mix

Making Magic Mixes: Baking Master Mix - FN1582

Is anything better than fresh baked muffins or warm banana bread? Wouldn’t they taste even better if they were made in a fraction of the time? Consider making this Baking Master Mix so you can make fresh-baked goods in a snap. The mix uses common ingredients such as fl our, baking powder, sugar and salt. This recipe includes white and whole-wheat fl our, so it will help make half of your grain choices whole grains.

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Meal in a Bowl

Pinchin' Pennie$ in the Kitchen: 5 Steps to Making Your Own Meal in a Bowl - FN1757

Making your own meal in a bowl is inexpensive and easy. You can make meals from ingredients you probably already have on hand. Think about all the different bowls you can make.You also could set up a buffet with a variety of toppings so people can personalize their meal with layers of flavor.

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