• Sclerotinia Risk in Canola Forecast Program
  • Sclerotinia Risk Maps Canola Forecast Program.
  • Sclerotinia Risk Calculator Canola Forecast Program.

Sclerotinia Risk in Canola

This forecasting program has been developed by the North Dakota State University Canola Pathology program with support from the Sclerotinia Initiative, the Northern Canola Growers Association, and the Minnesota Canola Council. While the information presented by this program is based on data generated through extensive research, it is only intended to serve as a guide for growers.

This forecasting program has two components, a general risk map and a risk calculator. The general risk map uses weather information to estimate risk of disease development throughout the canola growing areas of the state. This map is updated twice every week starting in mid June and continuing during the canola flowering period. The risk calculator combines information on cultural practices and the field past history of Sclerotinia with weather information retrieved from the nearest NDAWN weather station to estimate the risk of disease development for a specific field. To access the risk calculator visitors are asked to set an account and to provide information pertinent to the field of their interest.

News and Tips for You

June 19, 2023

New Sclerotinia Risk maps will be available starting on June 20, 2022

Sclerotinia Risk Maps will be produced starting on June 20, 2022 and through the end of July 2022. The maps will be available through this website as well as through the Northern Canola Growers Association website, and the NDSU Canola Doctor application.

June 20, 2023

Reading Sclerotinia Risk Maps

The risk map will be available this year starting today, June 20th. The map provides an estimation of the risk of development of Sclerotinia stem rot on canola based on environmental factors. The estimated risk applies only to canola crops that are entering the flowering period or are already flowering. A risk calculator that combines the effect of weather variables, cultural practices, and history of Sclerotinia is also available. The information presented in the risk maps is intended to alert canola growers when conditions are favorable for development of Sclerotinia stem rot. The final decision on whether to spray a fungicide or not, should include the growth stage of the crop (most fungicides provide the best protection when applied at the 20-40% bloom), and economic considerations such as the potential yield of the field and the potential market price for the commodity. Growers are encouraged to look for apothecia in their fields before making spraying decisions, especially if their fields are located in areas with intermediate or high risk.