

North Dakota and South Dakota Sunflower Hybrid Trial Results for 2016 and Selection Guide (A652-16, Dec. 2016)

The North Dakota and South Dakota Trial Results provide producers with data related to the hybrid performance throughout the state and gives information about yield and other information needed for accurate selection of sunflower hybrids for agricultural production in North Dakota.

Hans Kandel (North Dakota State University Extension agronomist)

Febina Mathew and Chris Graham (South Dakota State University plant pathologist and Extension agronomist, respectively); Brent Hulke (Sunflower Unit, U.S. Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service, Fargo); Mike Ostlie, Blaine Schatz, Jesper Nielsen and David Widmer (Carrington Research Extension Center); Eric Eriksmoen, James Tarasenko and Joe Effertz (North Central Research Extension Center, Minot); Bryan Hanson, Travis Hakanson and Lawrence Henry (Langdon Research Extension Center); Jerry Bergman, Gautam Pradhan, Emma Link and Austin Link (Williston Research Extension Center); John Rickertsen and Rick Olsen (Hettinger Research Extension Center); Nathan Braun, Lee Gilbertson and Bruce Swan (SDSU Plant Science Department); and Adnan Akyüz (Soil Science Department, NDSU, Fargo)

Filed under: crops, crops-sunflowers
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