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Alternative Crops
Publication Field to Fork Onions!
Many types of onions are available to grow and use. Onions are ranked sixth among the world’s leading vegetable crops. On average, people eat about 20 pounds ...
Publication What is Soil Acidity?
Low pH or soil acidity affects nutrient availability, microbial activity as well as plant growth. This publication covers a definition of soil acidity, causes ...
Publication North Dakota Weed Control Guide
The information in this guide provides a summary of herbicide uses in crops grown in North Dakota and is based on federal and state herbicide labels, research ...
Publication text/texmacs Common Natural Enemies of Insect Pests
This publication describes the most common natural enemies of insect pests that are found in field crops and gardens. Pictures of each natural enemy are ...
Publication chemical/x-pdb Containment Pond Management
Containment ponds are constructed at the base of a feedlot’s slope and designed to collect and contain nutrient-loaded runoff. This publication talks about how ...
Publication Octet Stream Projected 2021 Crop Budgets South East North Dakota
The 2021 crop budgets provide an estimate of revenues and costs for selected crops. Each set of budgets are developed for a multi-county region. There is ...
Publication Octet Stream Projected 2021 Crop Budgets South Valley North Dakota
The 2021 crop budgets provide an estimate of revenues and costs for selected crops. Each set of budgets are developed for a multi-county region. There is ...
Publication Octet Stream Projected 2021 Crop Budgets East Central North Dakota
The 2021 crop budgets provide an estimate of revenues and costs for selected crops. Each set of budgets are developed for a multi-county region. There is ...