

My Farming Resource Network (FS1929 Aug. 2019)

Building a strong support and resource system for you and your family will come in handy during a time of need or concern. Make a list of the family, friends, neighbors, agencies and organizations that can help you and give you advice. This publication is part of a series called Managing Stress and Pursuing Wellness in Times of Tight Margins.

Sean Brotherson, NDSU Extension Family Science Specialist

Build a strong support and resource system for you and your family.

This page has a set of charts. Use the first one to list all of the family members, friends and neighbors you can call on to assist you with a farming need or give support with a particular concern. Next, use the second chart to list agencies and organizations that are of help to you. Add phone numbers or email addresses for quick access to these resources. Keep a copy with you and place additional copies in your vehicle, home office or other location for easy access and use. Also, list contact information in your phone for easy access.

My Resource Network – Family, Friends and Neighbors


My Resource Network – Agencies and Organizations

Selected Resources List – Managing Farm and Ranch Stress

This is a short list of selected resources that may be useful for finding further information and support in the process of working in agriculture and related fields, managing stress and accessing resources.

Farm and Financial Management Resources

  • Cooperative Extension Service and state Extension Service programs — Contact your county or state office of the Cooperative Extension Service for information and programs on farm and financial management. Link:
  • U.S. Department of Agriculture, Farm Service Agency — Link:

Farming/Ranching and Stress Resources

Mental and Emotional Health Resources

  • Call a state helpline — Most states have a toll-free, 24-hour helpline for health and human services information and referral. In North Dakota, call 2-1-1.
  • Refer to a local health-care provider or mental health professional — If you or someone you know needs help, contact and connect with a local professional such as a clergy member, medical professional, law enforcement, school counselor or social worker. Link:
  • SAMHSA, Behavioral Health Treatment Services Locator — Online confidential system for locating support or treatment resources in your area. Call 1-800-662-HELP (4357) or link:
  • Psychology Help Center, American Psychological Association — Online resource center providing information on daily physical and emotional well-being. Link:
  • Real Men, Real Depression short video series — National Institute of Mental Health. Link:
  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255 (TALK)

For more information on this and other topics, see

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