
Menu for Transition Resources and Supports in Early Childhood

(FS2016, January 2021)

Supporting children and families during transitions in early childhood is vital to their health and development. This document provides a menu of resources and supports for assisting children and families with transitions in the early childhood years.

Lead Author
Lead Author:
Sean E. Brotherson, Ph.D., Professor and Extension Family Science Specialist, NDSU
Other Authors

Divya Saxena, M.S., Extension Associate, NDSU; Shea Lammers, M.S., Extension Associate, NDSU; Kimberly Bushaw, M.S., Extension Family Science Specialist, NDSU

Web only
Publication Sections

Menu for Transition Resources and Supports in Early Childhood

Developmental PeriodResources
PrenatalJust in Time Parenting newsletters
First, second, third trimester
Health-care providers, Early Head Start, libraries
Birth to HomeJust in Time Parenting newsletters
Early Head Start
Early Intervention services, North Dakota Department of Human Services
Birth to 3 years
Health-care providers, Child Care Resources, libraries
1 Month to
3 Years
Just in Time Parenting newsletters
Month 1 to Month 36
Child Care Resources
Early Head Start
Early Intervention services, North Dakota Department of Human Services
Birth to 3 years
Parents LEAD
Health-care providers
3 Years to
5 Years
Just in Time Parenting newsletters
Month 37 to Month 60
Gearing Up for Kindergarten program resources
Child Care Resources
Head Start
North Dakota Department of Public Instruction
Special Education – 3 to 5 years
Parents LEAD
Good-quality time
Health-care providers
Kindergarten EntryGearing Up for Kindergarten program resources
Child Care Resources
North Dakota Department of Public Instruction
Special Education
Parents LEAD
Health-care providers

Selected Transition Supports and Resources

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) – Learn the Signs. Act Early. Initiative and Milestone Tracker App –  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) supports resources for early childhood development. To facilitate awareness of developmental progress and developmental testing, it sponsors the initiative Learn the Signs. Act Early. Also, it has available for parents and others a user-friendly app, the Milestone Tracker App (available in English, Spanish), to help in tracking a child’s developmental milestones.

Resource Links:
Learn the Signs. Act Early. Initiative

Milestone Tracker App

North Dakota Department of Human Services and North Dakota Department of Public Instruction: Published Guide on Early Childhood Transition – Understanding Early Childhood Transition: A Guide for Families and Professionals (2017) is a resource guide offered by the North Dakota Department of Human Services and the North Dakota Department of Public Instruction. It is a free resource guide for parents, caregivers and community professionals that helps in understanding multiple facets of transition experiences for young children, as well as the supports and services available to them.

Resource Link:

Head Start and Early Head Start: Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC) – Head Start and Early Head Start programs serve families with children ages 0 to 6 and offer a wide range of family-supportive activities. Also, the Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center furnishes a wealth of helpful resources, training and other supports to parents, early childhood professionals and community leaders.

Resource Link: https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov

North Dakota Department of Human Services: Early Intervention Services Program – Under Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, the state provides the Early Intervention Services program. Early Intervention Services is a statewide, multifaceted program available in every region of North Dakota, with early intervention providers working directly with families who have vulnerable children (children with special needs).

Resource Link: www.nd.gov/dhs/services/disabilities/earlyintervention/

Just in Time Parenting (JITP) – Parent Newsletter Project – Just in Time Parenting (JITP) focuses on bringing high-quality, research-based information to families starting prenatally and continuing through age 5. It furthers this goal through providing free, research-based parenting newsletters that are delivered by email and specific to a child’s age and needs.

Resource Link: https://jitp.info

North Dakota Department of Human Services: Right Track Program – The Right Track Program, offered via the North Dakota Department of Human Services, is a free program for all North Dakota children birth to 3 years of age. Consultants can meet with individuals in the privacy of their residence and provide developmental screenings for young children, ideas and activities for stimulating a child’s development and learning, and information and referrals to local, state or other resources. For information on this program, access the resource link.

Resource Linkwww.nd.gov/dhs/services/disabilities/earlyintervention/parent-info/right-track.html

National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) – The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) provides children, their families and early childhood professionals with the resources needed for early learning and success. NAEYC supports children, families and professionals through educational resources and activities, technical training and assistance, and a variety of other supportive efforts.

Resource Link: www.naeyc.org

North Dakota Department of Public Instruction: Published Guide on Special Education in North Dakota – Parent Guide to Special Education is a resource guide offered by the North Dakota Department of Public Instruction. It is a free resource guide for parents, caregivers and community professionals that helps in understanding special education issues and resources for young children, as well as the supports and services available to them. For information on this resource, access the resource link.

Resource Link: