Oakes Irrigation Research Site
Carrington Research Extension Center * North Dakota State University
 P.O. Box 531, Oakes, ND 58474-0531, Phone: (701) 742-2744, FAX: (701) 742-2700, E-mail:  Kelly.c.Cooper@ndsu.edu
Table 1. Misc
Table 2. Navy
Table 3. Pinto
Dry Edible Bean Variety Trials
K. Cooper, L. Besemann and H. Eslinger
      Dry edible beans play a significant role in irrigated rotations in southeastern North Dakota.  As universities and private companies develop new varieties, it is important to test them upon their release. Seventeen edible bean varieties were tested: six miscellaneous, three navy, and eight pinto.
Soil: Gardena loam sandy substratum, Embden sandy loam; pH = 7.1; 2.2% organic matter; soil N was 26 lbs/acre; soil P was high; soil K was very high and soil S was low. 
Previous crop: 2016 - Soybean.  
Seedbed preparation: Spring conventional tillage.
Planting: May 26 in 30-inch rows.
Plots: Plots were 25 ft long by 5 ft (2 rows) wide.  The study had four replications.
Fertilizer: Broadcast 21 lbs N/acre, 40 lbs P2O5/acre, 50 lbs K2O/acre and 15 lbs S/acre as 10-18-23-7 April 4.
Irrigation: Overhead sprinkler irrigation as needed.
Pest control: Authority 19 oz/acre (May 19), Select 16 oz/acre + NIS 1 pt/100 gal + Interlock 4 oz/acre (June 20) for weed control.  Endura 5.5 oz/acre (July 20) for disease control.
Harvest: Hand harvested bean varieties September 11 to September 12 as they matured.  Harvest area for all bean varieties was five feet (two rows wide) by approximately 19 feet. Beans were threshed with a stationary plot thresher September 14.
       The three classes of dry edible beans all had good yields for the 2017 season. The mean yield of the miscellaneous beans was 4223 lbs/acre.  Zorro (black bean) had the highest yield of the miscellaneous beans yielding 4827 lbs/acre. The mean yield of the navy beans was 3552 lbs/acre.  HMS Medalist had the highest yield of the navy bean yielding 3872 lbs/acre.  The mean yield of the pinto beans was 3932 lbs/acre.  LaPaz had the highest pinto bean yield at 4249 lbs/acre.
Table 1.  Misc Bean Variety Trial at the Oakes Irrigation Research Site in 2017.  
Seed Yield
Market Days to Seeds/ Seed Test   3-yr.
Variety Class PM Pound Weight Weight 2017 Avg.
grams/100 lb/bu ----- lb/ac -----
Eclipse Black 92.8 2064 22.0 63.1 4256 3638
Merlot Small Red 96.3 1116 40.7 61.3 3924 3694
Loreto Black 97.0 2085 21.8 63.6 4023 3534
Zorro Black 95.8 1950 23.3 64.4 4827 3835
Rosetta Pink 95.8 1165 39.1 61.8 4522 --
Powderhorn Great Northern 91.5 1173 38.8 58.9 3787 --
Mean   94.9 1592 30.9 62.2 4223 --
C.V. (%) 1.4 3.8 4.9 0.6 12.9 --
LSD 0.10 1.7 75 1.9 0.5 673 --
LSD 0.05   2.0 91 2.3 0.5 818 --
Planting Date = May 26; Harvest Date = September 11 and 12; Previous Crop = Soybean
Table 2.  Navy Bean Variety Trial at the Oakes Irrigation Research Site in 2017.
Seed Yield
Days to Seeds/ Seed Test   3-yr.
Variety PM Pound Weight Weight 2017 Avg.
grams/100 ----- lb/ac -----
HMS Medalist 95.3 2307 19.7 64.1 3872 3292
Ensign 91.5 2249 20.3 63.7 3230 3209
T9905 95.3 2124 21.4 64.2 3553 3378
Mean 94.0 2226 20.5 64.0 3552 --
C.V. (%) 0.8 2.4 2.2 0.6 6.7 --
LSD 0.10 1.0 72 0.6 0.5 327 --
LSD 0.05 1.3 91 0.8 0.6 412 --
Planting Date = May 26; Harvest Date = September 11 and 12;  Previous Crop = Soybean
Table 3.  Pinto Bean Variety Trial at the Oakes Irrigation Research Site in 2017.
Seed Yield
Days to Seeds/ Seed Test   3-yr.
Variety PM Pound Weight Weight 2017 Avg.
grams/100 lb/bu ----- lb/ac -----
LaPaz 96.0 1165 39.0 61.9 4249 3618
Lariat 96.8 1011 44.9 61.2 4112 3641
Stampede 93.5 1013 44.9 59.1 3343 3454
Maverick 93.8 1043 43.6 60.5 3651 3352
ND-307 95.0 1004 45.2 59.6 3947 3876
Windbreaker 90.5 1037 43.8 59.3 3985 3827
Palomino 97.0 992 45.8 59.8 4040 --
Monterrey 95.5 1114 40.8 62.5 4134 --
Mean: 94.8 1047 43.5 60.5 3932 --
C.V.(%) 1.3 3.7 3.8 0.7 11.4 --
LSD 0.10 1.5 47 2.0 0.5 548 --
LSD 0.05 1.8 57 2.4 0.6 662 --
Planting Date = May 26; Harvest Date = September 11 and 12; Previous Crop = Soybean
Oakes Irrigation Research Site
Variety trials Crop index Home page Report 2017