Oakes Irrigation Research Site
         Carrington Research Extension Center * North Dakota State University
 P.O. Box 531, Oakes, ND 58474-0531, Phone: (701) 742-2744, FAX: (701) 742-2700, E-mail:  Kelly.c.Cooper@ndsu.edu
Strip-Till, Corn on Soybean, Nitrogen Rate Study
K. Cooper, L. Besemann and H. Eslinger
        The objective of this study was to compare corn yields of a corn/soybean rotation to those in a companion corn/corn rotation and to find differences in N response and other agronomic measurements in no-till rotations, utilizing strip-till.  
Soil: Embden loam and Gardena loam; pH = 7.4; 2.1% organic matter; Soil N average 34 lbs/acre; soil P was very high; soil K was high; soil S was low. 
Previous crop: 2015 – soybean.
Seedbed preparation: Strip-till May 5 with an Orthman strip-till machine.
Hybrid: Wensman W8184VT2RIB
Planting: Planted May 6 @ 26,000 plants per acre in 30-inch rows.
Plots: Plots were 37 ft long by 15 ft (6 rows) wide.  There were four replications.
Fertilizer: All plots received 12 lbs N/acre plus 40 lbs P2O5/acre stream-barred as 10-34-0 and, 13 lbs N/acre plus 18 lbs S/acre Stream-barred as 15‑0‑0‑20 May 9.  Stream-barred 79 lbs N/acre as 28-0-0 to the 100 lb treatment and 44 lbs N/acre as 28-0-0 to the 100d, 150 and 200 lb treatments May 20. Sidedress N treatments as 28-0-0 (three inches deep) June 16; the 100d treatment received 32 lbs N/acre, the 150 lb treatment received 81 lbs N/acre and 200 lb treatment received 131 lbs N/acre.
Irrigation: Overhead sprinkler irrigation as needed.
Pest control: Roundup (40 oz/acre) + Harness (2 pt/acre) + AMS (1 lb/10gal) + Preference (1.6 oz/10 gal) May 10 and Laudis (3 oz/acre) + Roundup (32 oz/acre) + NIS (1 pt/100 gal) + AMS (1 lb/10 gal) + Interlock (4 oz/acre) June 20.
Remote sensing: Opti-Sciences CCM 200 Plus chlorophyll meter.
Harvest: Hand harvest October 19.  Harvest area was the two center rows from each plot (72 feet of total row).
        Determining nitrogen sufficiency in time is important to achieve N efficiency.  Remote sensing utilized an Opti-Science CCM 200 chlorophyll meter determine N sufficiency.  Increasing nitrogen rates (N) increased grain yield and chlorophyll meter readings.  Remote sensing with the chlorophyll meter did well in predicting corn N status.  
Table 1.  Strip-till, corn on soybean nitrogen rate study at the Oakes Irrigation Research Site in 2016.
  Grain  Chlorophyll  
Fertilizer Grain Yield Harvest Test Meter Nitrate-N Seed Seed Seed Emerge Silk
N Rate Yield1 2009-16 Moisture Weight Reading2 Stalk Fall Soil Protein Oil Starch Date Date Population
lb/acre bu/ac bu/ac % lb/bu 3-Aug ppm lbs/ac ----------%----------- plants/ac
22 141.1 130.8 20.0 54.5 16.9 20 9 6.7 2.5 75.4 20-May 22-Jul 27528
100 219.6 184.8 18.7 57.3 49.7 30 10 8.8 3.3 72.9 20-May 18-Jul 27286
100d 188.1 193.0 19.5 56.2 36.6 20 10 7.6 2.8 74.3 20-May 19-Jul 27286
150 229.2 223.6 18.7 57.7 51.4 141 11 8.9 3.2 73.0 20-May 19-Jul 27286
200 233.0 232.6 18.7 57.3 53.4 200 14 9.3 3.2 72.6 20-May 19-Jul 27225
Mean 202.2   19.1 56.6 41.6 82 11 8 3.0 73.6 20-May 19-Jul 27322
C.V. % 5.4 2.3 1.2 9.7 160 45 5.5 6.2 0.7 0.0 0.0 2.1
LSD 0.10 13.6 0.6 0.9 5.1 166 NS 0.6 0.2 0.7 NS NS NS
LSD 0.05 16.7   0.7 1.1 6.2 NS NS 0.7 0.3 0.8 NS NS NS
Planting Date = May; Harvest Date = October 19; Previous Crop = Soybean
1 Yield adjusted to 15.5% moisture.
2 Opti-Science CCM 200.            
Oakes Irrigation Research Site Other corn Studies 
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Corn hybrid performance trial – dryland
Stover removal corn/corn and corn/soybean rotation
Strip-tilled corn N rate; corn corn rotation