Oakes Irrigation Research Site
Carrington Research Extension Center * North Dakota State University
P.O. Box 531, Oakes, ND 58474-0531, Phone: (701) 742-2744, FAX: (701) 742-2700, E-mail:  Walter.Albus@ndsu.edu
Table 4.  Tofu Specialty Soybean at the Oakes Irrigation Research Site in 2010.
Maturity  Lodging Plant
Entry Yield date* score** height
bu/A     inches
Cavalier 55.5 6-Sep 1.3 33
ND04-10352 47.9 9-Sep 1.3 34
Traill 43.3 10-Sep 1.5 33
ND06-4040 47.9 12-Sep 1.3 39
ND04-10046 49.4 14-Sep 1.7 37
Walsh 52.1 14-Sep 2.3 36
Ashtabula 58.1 15-Sep 1.2 38
ND04-10249 48.4 15-Sep 1.7 40
ND06-4047 47.7 15-Sep 1.3 40
Norpro 45.6 15-Sep 1.0 38
ND04-10327 53.5 17-Sep 1.9 38
ND06-4639 48.9 20-Sep 1.7 39
ND06-4642 55.0 20-Sep 2.0 41
ND06-4026 54.7 20-Sep 2.3 34
ND06-4640 54.0 22-Sep 2.3 40
ND06-4648 48.8 23-Sep 2.3 39
ND06-4042 57.0 23-Sep 2.3 42
Sheyenne 62.3 23-Sep 1.0 43
ND06-4730 61.2 25-Sep 1.3 41
ProSoy 52.6 28-Sep 2.8 43
ND06-4045 54.1 28-Sep 2.0 41
Average 52.3 49 1.7 38
LSD(0.05) 8.2 2 2.1 4
CV 12.3 9.6 28.4 14.1
*Maturity: date of 95% mature pods.
**Lodging: 1-best, 5-flat on ground
Other specialty soybean tables Natto Soybean variety trial tables
Conventional early Conventional
Conventional late Roundup ready
Detailed material and methods
Oakes Irrigation Research Site 
Home page Report 2010