Oakes Irrigation Research Site
Carrington Research Extension Center * North Dakota State University
P.O. Box 531, Oakes, ND 58474-0531, Voice: (701) 742-2189, FAX: (701) 742-2700, email: rgreenla@ndsuext.nodak.edu


Ted Helms, NDSU Department of Plant Sciences
Richard G Greenland, Leonard Besemann

Table 31. Results of the 2000 soybean performance trial.

Soybeans usually produce well in North Dakota. This replicated trial had 20 soybean varieties, including several natto type soybeans.


Soil: Embden sandy loam, Hecla sandy loam and Maddock sandy loam; pH=6.8; 2.5% organic matter; soil-P, soil-K , and soil-S were very high.
Previous crop: 1999 - field corn and tomato; 1998 - carrot; 1997 - squash, pumpkin and pepper.
Seedbed preparation: Disked on 29 October 1999. Multiweeded (field cultivated) once April 4 and twice May 9 to incorporate herbicide and prepare seedbed.
Planting: Planted on May 9 in 30-inch rows.
Plots: Plots were 17 ft long by 10 ft wide. There were 4 reps.
Fertilizer: On April 4, broadcast 18 lbs N/acre and 20 lbs S/acre as 21-0-0-24. Fertigated 100 lbs N/acre as 28-0-0 on July 13.
Irrigation: Surface drip irrigation as needed.
Pest control: Weeds were controlled by Sonalan (2 pt/acre on May 9, preplant incorporated), Dual (1.5 pt/acre on May 9), Raptor + COC (4 oz/acre + 2 pt/acre on June 7), and hand weeding as needed.
Harvest: Harvested on Oct 3 with a Hege plot combine.

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Table 31. Results of the Oakes Irrigation Research Site 2000 soybean performance trial.
Variety Days to maturity Yield1 Lodging2 Plant height Test weight Stand Chlorosis3 Uniformity
days bu/acre 1 to 5 inches lbs/bu --------- 1 to 10 --------
ND96-8929 127 a 55.3 b-e 2.0 abc 43.0 cde 56.4 hi 5.5 de 7.8 ab
ND97-962 128 ab 45.7 fg 3.0 ef 33.8 gh 58.9 b 6.3 bcd 6.3 c-f
ND97-960 129 abc 45.3 fg 2.5 cde 34.0 gh 58.9 b 5.8 cde 6.0 def
ND97-961 130 bcd 43.1 gh 3.0 ef 33.0 h 58.9 b 5.3 de 5.8 ef
Traill 130 bcd 49.6 efg 2.0 abc 41.8 de 58.0 c 7.8 a 7.5 ab
Danatto 131 cde 52.4 def 3.4 fg 36.0 fg 58.8 b 5.0 def 6.0 def
Barnes 131 de 55.0 b-e 2.3 a-d 45.3 abc 56.0 jk 6.3 bcd 7.5 ab
ND97-1120 132 def 46.8 fg 3.6 g 37.5 f 57.1 de 3.8 f 7.0 bcd
ND97-1119 133 efg 45.7 fg 3.5 fg 40.8 e 57.2 d 4.5 ef 5.5 fg
ND95-6634 133 efg 62.9 a 2.0 abc 44.3 a-d 56.6 gh 7.5 ab 7.5 ab
Pioneer 9091 134 fgh 52.6 c-f 1.9 ab 44.0 bcd 56.9 efg 7.3 ab 8.5 a
M3 134 ghi 56.3 a-e 1.8 a 44.5 abc 55.9 k 7.0 abc 6.3 c-f
Pioneer 9071 134 ghi 59.9 abc 2.4 bcd 45.3 abc 56.4 hi 7.0 abc 7.0 bcd
Pioneer 9092 136 hi 59.8 abc 2.1 a-d 46.5 ab 56.8 fg 7.0 abc 7.0 bcd
Council 136 i 58.1 a-d 2.0 abc 44.8 abc 56.6 gh 7.5 ab 6.8 b-e
ND96-1593 139 j 63.4 a 3.4 fg 44.0 bcd 57.0 def 7.0 abc 7.8 ab
Surge 139 j 60.1 ab 2.3 a-d 40.5 e 57.0 def 7.8 a 6.3 c-f
Lambert 140 jk 51.7 def 2.6 de 41.3 e 59.2 a 7.0 abc 4.5 gh
Minnatto 142 k 35.8 h 3.4 fg 36.3 fg 56.3 ij 7.3 ab 3.8 h
ND95-1564 142 k 51.8 def 3.4 fg 46.8 a 56.7 gh 7.8 a 7.3 bc
Exp. Mean 134 52.6 2.6 41.2 57.3 6.5 6.6
LSD (0.05) 2 7.4 0.5 2.5 0.3 1.4 1.0
C.V. (%) 1 10 14 4 <1 15 11
Probability <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001

1Yield adjusted to 13% moisture.

2Lodging is from 1 to 5: 1 is erect; 5 is flat on ground.

3Chlorosis - 1 to 10; the lower the score, the worse the chlorosis. During the early to mid part of the growing season I noticed that the stands were not uniform and many plants were chlorotic. On June 29 I took notes to document these conditions. We then applied nitrogen and the chlorosis disappeared, indicating it was due to N deficiency. These soybeans were not inoculated before planting.

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