Oakes Irrigation Research Site
Carrington Research Extension Center * North Dakota State University
P.O. Box 531, Oakes, ND 58474-0531, Voice: (701) 742-2189, FAX: (701) 742-2700, email: rgreenla@ndsuext.nodak.edu


Ted Helms, NDSU Department of Plant Sciences
Richard G Greenland, Leonard Besemann

Table 32. Results of the 1999 soybean performance trial.

Soybeans usually produce well in North Dakota. This replicated trial tested 20 soybean varieties. Most of the varieties are those Ted Helms is developing.


Soil: Hecla sandy loam and Maddock sandy loam; pH=7.3; 2.3% organic matter; soil-P was high; soil-K was very high; soil-S was very low.
Previous crop: 1998 - pumpkin and squash; 1997 - field corn; 1996 - pepper.
Seedbed preparation: Disked on 27 October 1998. Buried drip tube was replaced which involved chisel plowing and several passes with a field cultivater from late April to May 20. Field cultivated twice on May 21 to incorporate herbicide and prepare seedbed.
Planting: Planted on May 21 in 30-inch rows.
Plots: Plots were 17 ft long by 10 ft wide. There were 4 reps.
Fertilizer: On April 7, broadcast 15 lbs N/acre and 75 lbs P2O5/acre as 10-50-0, 18 lbs N/acre and 20 lbs S/acre as 21-0-0-24, and 99 lbs K20/acre as 0-0-60.
Irrigation: Underground drip irrigation as needed.
Pest control: Weeds were controlled by Sonalan (2 pt/acre on May 21, preplant incorporated), Dual (1.5 pt/acre on May 21), Pursuit + nonionic surfactant (1.44 oz/acre + 1 pt/50 gal on June 7), and hand weeding as needed. Sprayed with Benlate (1.5 lb/acre on July 13 and July 23) to prevent white mold.
Harvest: Harvested on Oct 6 with a Hege plot combine.

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Table 32. Results of the 1999 soybean performance trial at the Oakes Irrigation Research Site.
Variety Days to maturity Yield % moist. at harvest Test weight Lodging Plant height
bu/acre % lbs/bu 1 to 5 inches
TRAILL 111 46.8 13.3 57.4 3.0 38.0
ND96-1006 112 45.2 13.7 57.2 2.8 38.3
ND96-8929 116 54.0 13.5 57.2 2.7 39.7
ND96-7803 122 55.1 13.6 55.3 3.5 38.3
ND95-931 122 59.2 13.8 56.8 2.3 45.0
ND96-7718 123 57.5 13.5 57.5 3.5 38.7
ND96-8483 123 51.8 13.3 56.6 3.0 39.0
ND96-8994 124 57.2 13.6 56.0 2.7 43.0
ND96-1770 124 50.9 13.4 57.4 3.3 40.3
ND95-6296 125 54.3 14.1 57.0 2.7 38.3
P. 9071 125 58.5 13.8 56.3 2.3 41.7
ND96-7762 125 55.3 13.6 57.0 3.3 39.3
ND95-958 125 61.8 13.9 56.7 2.2 44.7
ND96-9188 125 51.5 13.3 56.6 3.2 38.3
P. 9092 126 59.2 14.0 56.0 2.2 45.0
COUNCIL 126 58.9 13.6 56.5 3.3 43.0
ND96-8811 127 52.3 13.8 57.0 2.3 41.0
ND95-6339 128 57.4 13.8 56.6 3.3 42.7
LAMBERT 128 58.9 14.0 58.3 2.5 42.7
ND96-1593 131 60.8 13.8 58.1 3.7 43.7
Exp. Mean 124 55.3 13.7 56.9 2.9 41.0
LDS (0.05) 3.8 6.6 0.4 1.1 0.9 3.4
C. V. (%) 2 7 2 1 19 5
Probability 0.0001 0.0002 0.009 0.0015 0.02 0.0001

Yield adjusted to 13% moisture.
Lodging is from 1 to 5: 1 is erect; 5 is flat on ground.

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