Oakes Irrigation Research Site
Carrington Research Extension Center * North Dakota State University
P.O. Box 531, Oakes, ND 58474-0531, Voice: (701) 742-2189, FAX: (701) 742-2700, email: rgreenla@ndsuext.nodak.edu


Richard G Greenland, Leonard Besemann, Heidi Eslinger

Results summary

Table 66. Yield and size of raspberries.

This study was established in 1992 on a Maddock sandy loam soil that had been in fallow (or weeds) the previous two years. Spring soil tests showed this site to be high in K, medium in P and low in N. The soil pH was 7.8 and the soil organic matter was 1.3%. The area was disked in the spring of 1992 and 200 lbs of 10-50-0 per acre were incorporated on April 9 using a field cultivator.

Three varieties of fall raspberries were planted on 9 April 1992. Raspberry plants were placed 1 ft apart in rows 7 ft apart. Planting was done by digging a 4-inch deep furrow, adding water, and burying the plants as deep as they were at the nursery. Plants were clipped at ground level about one month after planting (it is recommended they be clipped sooner). An additional 33 lbs N per acre as urea was banded along each row on 21 July 1992. All plants grew vigorously the first year with only a couple of plants being lost. Redwing was the most vigorous and Autumn Bliss the least vigorous. Normal production practices were followed for 1993 to 1998.

Plants were flailed 9 Nov 1998 after they became dormant. On April 7 the raspberries were fertilized by broadcasting 15 lbs N/acre and 75 lbs P2O5/acre as 10-50-0, 99 lbs K2O/acre as 0-0-60, and 18 lbs N/acre and 20 lbs S/acre as 21-0-0-24. We broadcast 50 lbs N/acre as urea on June 17. Weeds were controlled with Sinbar (2 lbs/acre on April 12 (which was before the raspberries emerged)) and by rototilling between rows. The raspberries were overhead sprinkler irrigated as needed throughout the summer. We harvested 5 times beginning on August 27. A 10-ft section of row from each variety was harvested.


Yields of all varieties were much lower this year than in previous years. This could be due to a cooler fall, age of the stand, or other factors. Autumn Bliss had the highest yields. Red Wing, which in previous years had the highest yields, had lower yields than the other two varieties. We noticed that many berries failed to develop. The plant put out a cluster where the berries were supposed to develop, but the berries never developed. This problem only occurred in Red Wing. We have seen it in previous years and it seems to get worse every year. The Red Wing plant was still the most vigorous and seemed to be best adapted to North Dakota conditions. Red Wing had smaller berries and a strong raspberry flavor. Autumn Bliss seemed to be the least adapted to North Dakota conditions. We are losing some stand. Autumn Bliss has the largest berries and a milder, almost watery, taste. Heritage is the latest maturing of the varieties. Yield is often reduced because the berries don't mature before frost.

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Table 66. Yield and size of raspberries at the Oakes Irrigation Research Site, 1999.
Harvest Date Yield Size
Autumn Bliss Heritage Red Wing Autumn Bliss Heritage Red Wing
lbs/acre grams/100 berries
27-Aug 78 58 73 172 193 157
08-Sep 430 249 233 232 170 166
15-Sep 545 473 301 196 195 154
23-Sep 602 585 447 182 183 158
30-Sep 301 417 159 183 178 164
Totals 1956 1782 1214 Avg. 193 184 160

Note: no statistics were done on these data because it was not a replicated trial.

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