Oakes Irrigation Research Site
Carrington Research Extension Center * North Dakota State University
P.O. Box 531, Oakes, ND 58474-0531, Voice: (701) 742-2189, FAX: (701) 742-2700, email: rgreenla@ndsuext.nodak.edu


Richard Greenland

As vegetable production increases in North Dakota, vegetables will be planted in rotations with field corn and soybean. Many of the herbicides applied to corn and soybean could carry over and injure vegetable crops planted the next year. Chemical companies, recognizing this potential for injury, have placed rotation restrictions on their herbicide labels. These labels restrict planting vegetables for one to four years after applying the herbicide to corn or soybean. But little information is available to verify the need for such restrictions, especially on highly permeable, loam or sandy loam soils that are irrigated. This is the second study conducted at the Oakes Irrigation Research Station to determine herbicide injury to vegetables planted one year after applying certain herbicides to corn or soybean. In 1996, we applied Accent, Broadstrike + Dual, and Scorpion III to field corn, and Pursuit and Raptor to soybean. In 1997, we planted potatoes, cabbage, carrots, onions, tomatoes, and acorn squash in rotation with the field corn and soybean. The injury to and yield of the vegetables showed to what extent herbicide carryover affects these vegetables.

Results summary

Table 37. Planting, seed preparation, and harvest date for herbicide carryover study

Table 38. Fertilizer rate and pest control for herbicide carryover study

Table 39. Response of cabbage to herbicides applied to field corn the previous year.

Table 40. Response of cabbage to herbicides applied to soybean the previous year.

Table 41. Response of carrots to herbicides applied to corn the previous year.

Table 42. Response of carrot to carryover herbicides applied to soybean the previous year.

Table 43. Response of onions to herbicides applied to corn the previous year.

Table 44. Response of onions to herbicides applied to soybean the previous year.

Table 45. Number, yield, and size of potatoes grown one year after application of herbicides to field corn.

Table 46. Number, yield, and size of potatoes grown one year after application of herbicides to soybean.

Table 47. Response of tomato to carryover of herbicides applied to corn the previous year.

Table 48. Response of tomato to carryover from herbicides applied to soybean the previous year.

Table 49. Responses of acorn squash to carryover from herbicides applied to corn the previous year.

Table 50. Responses of acorn squash to carryover from herbicides applied to soybean the previous year.

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Soil: Gardena loam, Embden loam, and Embden sandy loam; pH 7.3; 2.8% organic matter; soil-P and soil-K were very high; soil-S was low.
Previous Crops: 1995 - edible beans, potato, onion, 1994 - field corn, cabbage.
Plots: Plots were 7.5 ft. wide by 20 ft. long. The study had 4 reps.
Irrigation: Overhead sprinkler irrigation as needed.

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Table 37. Planting, seed preparation, and harvest date for herbicide carryover study
Crop Planting Date Seedbed preparation Harvest Date
Date Activity
Corn 1996 May 23 May 21
May 22
June 27
multiweed - twice
Nov 12 to 14, 1996
Soybean 1996 May 23 May 21
May 22
Oct 16
Cabbage 1997 May 22 May 9
May 15
August 11 and 22,
and Sept 10 and 26
Carrot 1997 May 27 May 9
May 27
May 27
Onion 1997 May 12 May 9
May 9
Pulled Sep 25 & Oct 2
Bagged Oct 8 and 9
Potato 1997 May 21 May 9
May 12
Sept 25 and 26
Tomato 1997 June 17 May 9
June 17
disked & multiweeded
Sept 19 and 23
Winter Squash 1997 June 17 May 9
June 17
Oct 6

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Table 38. Fertilizer rate and pest control for herbicide carryover study
Crop Fertilizer applications Pest control
date rate and fertilizer date pesticide/operation
Corn 1996 April 17

May 22
June 26
140 lbs 10-50-0
156 lbs 0-0-60
78 lbs 21-0-0-24
50 lbs N/acre as 28-0-0
100 lbs N/acre as 28-0-0
May 28

June 27
July 12, 31
Dual (1.9 pt/acre) on all but Broadstrike + Dual treatments
Asana (8 oz/acre)
Soybean 1996 April 17 140 lbs 10-50-0
156 lbs 0-0-60
78 lbs 21-0-0-24
May 22
May 28

July 12, 31
Aug 6
Treflan (1 pt/acre)
Dual (1.9 pt/acre) on all but Broadstrike + Dual treatments.
Asana (8 oz/acre)
hand weeded
Cabbage 1997 April 23

May 5
140 lbs 10-50-0
156 lbs 0-0-60
78 lbs 21-0-0-24
50 lbs N/acre as 28-0-0
May 15
June 5
June 13
July 10, 29, 30
July 15, 21, 28
Aug 4, 21, 28
Treflan (1 pt/acre)
Dacthal (8 lbs/acre)
Poast + Dash (1.5 + 2 pts/acre)
hand weeded
DiPel (1 lb/acre)
DiPel (1 lb/acre)
Carrot 1997 April 23

May 5
140 lbs 10-50-0
156 lbs 0-0-60
78 lbs 21-0-0-24
50 lbs N/acre as 28-0-0
May 27
July 9
July 14

Aug 20
Treflan (1.5 pt/acre)
Lorox (3 lb/acre)
Fusilade + nonionic surfactant
(12 oz/acre + 8 oz/25 gal)
Asana (8 oz/acre)
Onion 1997 April 23

May 5
140 lbs 10-50-0
156 lbs 0-0-60
78 lbs 21-0-0-24
50 lbs N/acre as 28-0-0
June 4

June 19
July 10,17
Aug 5
Aug 20
Fusilade + Prowl + COC
(12 oz/acre + 1.5 pt/acre + 1%)
Buctril + Goal (1.5 and 0.6 pt/A)
hand weeded
Bravo (2 pt/acre)
Dithane (2.2 qt/acre)
Potato 1997 April 23

May 5
140 lbs 10-50-0
156 lbs 0-0-60
78 lbs 21-0-0-24
50 lbs N/acre as 28-0-0
June 6; 24
July 3
July 9 and 29
July 14
July 21
August 7
Aug 7 and 20
Drag off; hilling
Provado (3.75 oz/acre)
Pounce (8 oz and 6 oz/acre)
Imidan (1.3 lbs/acre)
Bravo (1.5 pt/acre)
Asana (6 oz/acre)
Dithane (1.5 qt/acre)
Tomato 1997 April 23

May 5
140 lbs 10-50-0
156 lbs 0-0-60
78 lbs 21-0-0-24
50 lbs N/acre as 28-0-0
June 17
July 15
July 21&Aug 5
July 22&Aug 5
Aug 20
Treflan (1 pt/acre)
Rimsulfuron (¼ oz/acre)
Bravo (1.5 pt/acre)
Asana (6 oz/acre)
Asana+Dithane (8 oz+2.2 qt/A)
Winter Squash
April 23

May 5
140 lbs 10-50-0
156 lbs 0-0-60
78 lbs 21-0-0-24
50 lbs N/acre as 28-0-0
July 10
August 5
hand weeded
Asana (6 oz/acre)

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Table 39. Response of cabbage to herbicides applied to field corn the previous year.
Herbicide Rate Crop injury Number of heads Yield Days to harvest Head size
% tons/acres lbs/head
Accent 1X 9 6250 19.7 81 6.3 a
2X 31 6010 16.4 84 5.4 bc
4X 51 6490 18.0 87 5.5 abc
Broadstrike + Dual 1X 54 6370 15.3 84 4.7 c
2X 74 5770 10.9 89 3.7 d
4X 85 3000 4.9 89 3.0 d
Scorpion III 1X 31 6610 18.4 87 5.6 ab
2X 47 6490 16.5 84 5.0 bc
4X 84 3720 7.0 89 3.6 d
Check 8 6730 18.8 81 5.5 abc
LSD(0.05) 15 1880 5.2 NS
C.V.(%) 22 23 25 6 12

Rate: 1X is the standard rate; 2X and 4X are 2 and 4 times the standard rate.  (1X rates were: Accent - 0.67 oz/acre; Broadstrike + Dual - 2 pt/acre; and Scorpion III - 0.25 lbs)
Values in this column followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the 0.05 level.

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Table 40. Response of cabbage to herbicides applied to soybean the previous year.
Herbicide Rate Crop injury Number of heads Yield Days to harvest Head size
% tons/acre Ibs/head
Pursuit 1X 18 b 6310 19.6 81 6.2
2X 63 c 6490 17.4 81 5.4
4X 65 c 7190 19.7 85 5.5
Raptor 1X 8 ab 6680 17.8 81 5.4
2X 9 ab 7330 20.8 81 5.7
4X 4 a 7090 21.7 81 6.2
Check 6 ab 7340 22.8 81 6.2
C.V.(%) 37 9 12 2 13

Rate: 1X is the standard rate; 2X and 4X are 2 and 4 times the standard rate (1X rates were: Pursuit - 4 oz/acre; Raptor - 4 oz/acre).
Values in this column followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the 0.05 level.Values in columns without letters are not significantly different from other values in the same column.

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Table 41. Response of carrots to herbicides applied to corn the previous year.
Herbicide Rate Crop injury Number of roots Yield Root size
% 1000s/acre tons/acre oz/root
Accent 1X 40 176 29.7 5.3
2X 20 197 33.0 5.3
4X 30 150 25.4 5.2
Broadstrike + Dual 1X 10 152 23.9 5.1
2X 20 158 28.1 5.0
4X 70 176 28.7 4.8
Scorpion III 1X 0 166 26.6 4.9
2X 20 131 25.8 5.4
4X 10 174 28.9 5.3
Check 10 173 28.8 5.3
LSD(0.05) NS NS NS
C.V.(%) 20 16 11

Rate: 1X is the standard rate; 2X and 4X are 2 and 4 times the standard rate. (1X rates were: Accent - 0.67 oz/acre; Broadstrike + Dual - 2 pt/acre; and Scorpion III - 0.25 lbs)
Single observations. No statistics possible.

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Table 42. Response of carrot to carryover herbicides applied to soybean the previous year.
Herbicide Rate Crop injury Number of roots Yield Root size
% 1000s/acre tons/acre oz/root
Pursuit 1X 10 89 15.0 4.9
2X 25 133 22.0 4.9
4X 50 115 20.7 4.8
Raptor 1X 0 150 24.9 4.6
2X 0 126 24.3 5.4
4X 10 133 23.8 5.4
Check 10 130 23.7 4.5
LSD(0.05) NS NS NS
C.V.(%) 21 32 16

Rate: 1X is the standard rate; 2X and 4X are 2 and 4 times the standard rate (1X rates were: Pursuit - 4 oz/acre; Raptor - 4 oz/acre).
Single observations. No statistics possible.

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Table 43. Response of onions to herbicides applied to corn the previous year.
Herbicide Rate Crop injury Bulb size Single centers Number of bulbs
(given by size)
(given by size)
>3" 2 to 3" total >3" 2 to 3" total
% oz/bulb % -------- 1000s/acre ------- --------- cwt/acre ---------
Accent 1X 15 7.7 15 52 52 137 323 172 558
2X 35 6.6 25 20 37 126 121 118 330
4X 55 6.5 5 16 36 100 95 112 262
Broadstrike + Dual 1X 5 7.1 0 41 57 131 246 188 498
2X 5 7.2 30 41 57 129 248 189 497
4X 8 8.2 5 58 44 132 372 153 587
Scorpion III 1X 3 7.2 5 40 46 127 255 151 480
2X 0 7.0 15 40 59 121 238 194 475
4X 3 7.5 15 43 53 124 274 175 503
Check 0 6.5 35 31 70 139 188 231 480
LSD(0.05) 10 NS NS 22 19 NS 148 61 136
C.V.(%) 54 11 105 40 25 15 43 25 20

Rate: 1X is the standard rate; 2X and 4X are 2 and 4 times the standard rate. (1X rates were: Accent - 0.67 oz/acre; Broadstrike + Dual - 2 pt/acre; and Scorpion III - 0.25 lbs)

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Table 44. Response of onions to herbicides applied to soybean the previous year.
Herbicide Rate Crop injury Bulb size Single centers Number of bulbs
(given by size)
(given by size)
>3" 2 to 3" total >3" 2 to 3" total
% oz/bulb % ---------1000s/acre -------- --------- cwt/acre --------
Pursuit 1X 5 ab 6.2 50 a 32 92 167 180 302 554
2X 16 b 6.4 26 ab 32 72 156 184 234 501
4X 30 c 6.2 10 b 27 60 139 154 195 428
Raptor 1X 5 ab 6.0 30 ab 25 78 154 142 255 487
2X 13 b 6.5 20 b 35 80 163 204 267 556
4X 8 ab 6.6 30 ab 40 73 152 233 243 549
Check 0 a 6.4 10 b 33 90 164 195 297 561
C.V.(%) 76 6 59 31 21 12 33 29 17

Rate: 1X is the standard rate; 2X and 4X are 2 and 4 times the standard rate (1X rates were: Pursuit - 4 oz/acre; Raptor - 4 oz/acre).
Values in the same column followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the 0.05 level.

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Table 45. Number, yield, and size of potatoes grown one year after application of herbicides to field corn.
Herbicide Rate Number of potatoes Potato yield Tuber size
1000s/acre cwt/acre oz/tuber
Accent 1X 32.1 159 7.8 ab
2X 36.3 118 5.2 d
4X 43.3 232 8.9 a
Broadstrike + Dual 1X 40.2 168 6.6 bcd
2X 37.5 178 7.6 abc
4X 34.8 136 6.3 bcd
Scorpion III 1X 34.2 148 6.9 bcd
2X 41.7 180 7.0 bc
4X 38.4 179 7.6 abc
Check 57.4 212 5.9 c
C.V.(%) 29 30 17

Rate: 1X is the standard rate; 2X and 4X are 2 and 4 times the standard rate. (1X rates were: Accent - 0.67 oz/acre; Broadstrike + Dual - 2 pt/acre; and Scorpion III - 0.25 lbs)
Values in this column followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the 0.05 level.There were no significant differences at the 0.01 level. Values in columns without letters are not significantly different from other values in the same column.

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Table 46. Number, yield, and size of potatoes grown one year after application of herbicides to soybean.
Herbicide Rate Number of potatoes Potato yield Tuber size
1000s/acre cwt/acre oz/tuber
Pursuit 1X 58.7 307 bc2 8.7
2X 75.0 414 a 9.1
4X 57.8 311 bc 8.6
Raptor 1X 52.0 257 c 8.0
2X 43.4 238 c 9.0
4X 72.9 358 ab 8.2
Check 58.4 341 abc 9.3
C.V.(%) 29 21 15

Rate: 1X is the standard rate; 2X and 4X are 2 and 4 times the standard rate (1X rates were: Pursuit - 4 oz/acre; Raptor - 4 oz/acre).
Values in this column followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the 0.05 level.There were no significant differences at the 0.01 level. Values in columns without letters are not significantly different from other values in the same column.

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Table 47. Response of tomato to carryover of herbicides applied to corn the previous year.
Herbicide Rate Early injury Percent red Tomato yield Fruit size
red green total red green
% % ----------- tons/acre --------- ----- oz/fruit -----
Accent 1X 8 16 7.2 37.4 44.6 3.2 3.0
2X 0 16 7.4 38.6 46.0 3.2 2.7
4X 3 14 6.4 40.1 46.5 3.4 2.8
Broadstrike + Dual 1X 8 15 6.7 38.2 44.9 3.2 3.1
2X 5 14 6.9 41.2 48.1 3.1 2.8
4X 13 18 8.8 39.5 48.3 3.2 3.0
Scorpion III 1X 3 19 8.5 36.2 44.7 3.4 2.8
2X 3 20 8.8 36.6 45.4 3.1 2.9
4X 10 20 9.1 35.0 44.1 3.2 2.9
Check 0 16 7.7 39.8 47.4 3.4 3.0
C.V.(%) 101 33 34 13 10 10 10

Rate: 1X is the standard rate; 2X and 4X are 2 and 4 times the standard rate. (1X rates were: Accent - 0.67 oz/acre; Broadstrike + Dual - 2 pt/acre; and Scorpion III - 0.25 lbs)

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Table 48. Response of tomato to carryover from herbicides applied to soybean the previous year.
Herbicide Rate Early injury Percent red Tomato yield Fruit size
red green total red green
% % ----------- tons/acre --------- ----- oz/fruit -----
Pursuit 1X 8 10 4.6 38.7 43.2 3.1 2.8
2X 25 1 0.6 33.5 34.1 --- 2.7
4X 43 0 0.0 20.3 20.4 --- 2.3
Raptor 1X 0 15 6.6 37.5 44.1 3.3 3.0
2X 8 14 5.6 34.7 40.3 3.3 2.6
4X 8 11 4.6 39.8 44.3 3.1 2.7
Check 0 11 4.7 39.5 44.2 2.9 2.7
LSD (0.05) 8 4 1.6 7.7 7.6 NS 0.3
C.V.(%) 42 31 28 15 13 24 8

Rate: 1X is the standard rate; 2X and 4X are 2 and 4 times the standard rate (1X rates were: Pursuit - 4 oz/acre; Raptor - 4 oz/acre).
Too few red tomatoes to calculate average fruit size.

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Table 49. Responses of acorn squash to carryover from herbicides applied to corn the previous year.
Herbicide Rate Early injury Early stand Weed control§ Fruit size Number of fruit Yield
marketable total marketable total
% plants/plot % lbs/fruit -----1000s/acre ---- ----- tons/acre ----
Accent 1X 15 ab 8.3 43 cd 2.0 a 8.0 9.1 a 8.1 ab 8.6 a
2X 13 ab 8.5 55 ab 1.9 ab 8.8 10.1 a 8.4 a 8.8 a
4X 18 b 7.5 60 a 1.9 b 8.0 8.6 ab 7.4 abc 7.8 ab
Broadstrike + Dual 1X 18 b 10.0 50 bc 1.8 bc 8.0 8.9 ab 7.2 abc 7.8 ab
2X 23 bc 9.0 50 bc 1.8 bc 7.1 7.9 ab 6.3 bc 6.9 ab
4X 45 d 8.3 60 a 1.3 d 5.2 5.6 c 3.4 d 3.6 c
Scorpion III 1X 10 ab 7.8 43 cd 1.8 bc 8.4 8.8 ab 7.4 abc 7.7 ab
2X 18 bc 8.5 48 bcd 1.8 bc 8.0 8.6 ab 7.1 abc 7.5 ab
4X 33 cd 8.5 50 bc 1.7 c 6.4 7.1 b 5.4 cd 5.8 b
Check 3 a 9.3 40 d 1.9 ab 7.7 9.7 a 7.1 abc 8.2 a
C.V.(%) 51 18 13 7 20 17 21 19

Rate: 1X is the standard rate; 2X and 4X are 2 and 4 times the standard rate. (1X rates were: Accent - 0.67 oz/acre; Broadstrike + Dual - 2 pt/acre; and Scorpion III - 0.25 lbs)
Injury, plant stand, and weed control ratings were taken on 10 July 1997.
§Rating is percent of plot free of weeds.
Values in the same column followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the 0.05 level.

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Table 50. Responses of acorn squash to carryover from herbicides applied to soybean the previous year.
Herbicide Rate Early injury Early stand Weed control§ Fruit size Number of fruit Yield
marketable total marketable total
% plants/plot % lbs/fruit -----1000s/acre ---- ----- tons/acre ----
Pursuit 1X 25 5.0 60 b 1.8 5.8 6.6 5.3 5.9
2X 5 9.0 62 b 1.8 9.6 10.4 8.8 9.5
4X 15 7.5 75 a 1.9 8.8 10.3 8.4 9.5
Raptor 1X 10 6.3 53 bc 1.8 8.2 8.8 7.5 8.0
2X 13 8.0 53 bc 1.9 7.6 8.3 7.3 8.1
4X 10 3.0 55 bc 1.7 4.5 4.9 3.8 4.0
Check 13 6.0 48 c 1.9 7.3 7.7 7.1 7.5
C.V.(%) 79 44 12 6 26 27 24 25
LSD(0.05) NS NS NS 2.8 3.3 2.4 2.8

Rate: 1X is the standard rate; 2X and 4X are 2 and 4 times the standard rate (1X rates were: Pursuit - 4 oz/acre; Raptor - 4 oz/acre).
Injury, plant stand, and weed control ratings taken on 10 July 1997.
§Rating is percent of plot free of weeds.
Values in this column followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the 0.05 level.

Return to top of herbicide carryover study.


Carryover Accent injured cabbage and onion. Carryover Broadstrike injured carrot, cabbage, and squash. Carryover Scorpion III injured cabbage and squash. Carryover Pursuit injured carrot, cabbage, onion, tomato. Carryover Raptor injured carrot and squash. There was no visible injury to potato from carryover of any of the herbicides tested. Soil properties and abundant moisture probably helped reduce crop injury. After additional research for verification, labels could be changed to allow rotation of many vegetables at shorter intervals, especially under irrigation and on light textured soils.

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