Oakes Irrigation Research Site
Carrington Research Extension Center * North Dakota State University
P.O. Box 531, Oakes, ND 58474-0531, Voice: (701) 742-2189, FAX: (701) 742-2700, email: rgreenla@ndsuext.nodak.edu


Richard G Greenland

Last year's studies showed that oriental vegetables such as daikon radish, bok choy (also called pak choi), and baby bok choy grow well in North Dakota. Two questions that still needed to be answered were "which are the best varieties and what is the best time to plant them?" This study helped answer those questions.

Results summary

Table 37. Oriental vegetable performance trial field operations at each planting time.

Table 38. Fertilizer and pest control.

Table 39. Yields and root measurements for the first planting of daikon radishes.

Table 40. Yields of the second planting of daikon radishes.

Table 41. Yields of the third planting of daikon radishes.

Table 42. Baby bok choy (pak choi) yields.

Table 43. Pak choi (bok choy) yields.

Soil: Hecla sandy loam and Embden sandy loam; pH=7.3; 2.1% organic matter; soil-P and soil-K were very high; soil-S was very low.
Previous crop: 1995 - onion and sweet corn; 1994 - cabbage and broccoli; 1993 - muskmelon, pop corn, and field corn.
Seedbed preparation: See Table 37.
Planting: Direct seeded with a Stanhay vegetable planter, see table 37 for planting dates. Pak choi and napa cabbage were spaced 7.5 inches apart in 16-inch rows, then thinned to 15 inches apart in the row. Daikon radishes were spaced 4 inches apart in 16-inch rows and later thinned to 8 inches apart in the row. Baby bok choy was planted 7.5 inches apart in 8-inch rows. It was not thinned. Seeds were placed about ½ inch deep into a flat, fine seedbed.
Plots: Plots were 17 ft long by 3 ft wide. There were four 16-inch rows/bed, except Mei Qing Choi which had seven 8-inch rows/bed. There were 4 reps.
Fertilizer: On April 17, broadcast 14 lbs N/acre and 70 lbs P2O5/acre as 10-50-0, 16 lbs N/acre and 19 lbs S/acre as 21-0-0-24, and 94 lbs K20/acre as 0-0-60. See table 38 for further fertilizer applications.
Irrigation: Overhead sprinkler irrigation as needed.
Pest control: See Table 38.
Harvest: See Tables 39 to 43 for harvest dates and results. The fourth planting was killed by blight.


May 1 was too early to plant daikon radishes. Even those that reached harvestable size were beginning to bolt and were of questionable quality. Some daikon radishes planted on May 1 also had more secondary roots. Mid-May is the earliest daikon radishes should be planted in North Dakota. Omny and Spring Light were the best overall varieties (especially when planted early). April Cross grew well but had a tendency to have secondary roots. April Cross is long and skinny, Omny is long and husky. Spring Light is short and fat Daebu Summer grew well when planted in July. It was short and fat. Tae Back and White Gem should not be planted in North Dakota because they bolt too readily.

Mei Qing Choi grew well planted at any date. Joi Choi had poor germination (probably a seed quality problem) but what did grow, grew well when planted at any date.Napa cabbage did not consistently form a good head. Of all the varieties planted on April 30, only Spring Flavor formed any heads at all. For those planted on June 4, head formation was inconsistent with only 20 to 30 percent of the plants forming heads. Napa planted July 10 or July 25 did not mature sufficiently for head formation.

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Table 37. Oriental vegetable performance trial field operations at each planting time.
Planting time Date Operation Purpose
All April 24
April 26
breakup hardpan
incorporate fertilizer
first April 30

May 1

multiweed twice
plant (except radishes)

multiweed twice
plant radishes

incorporate fertilizer and Treflan herbicide

incorporate insecticide

second June 3
June 4
June 4
multiweed twice
initial tillage and incorporate insecticide
incorporate herbicide and smooth seedbed
third July 8
July 9
July 10
multiweed twice
initial tillage and incorporate insecticide
incorporate herbicide and smooth seedbed
fourth July 25
July 25
July 25
multiweed twice
initial tillage and incorporate insecticide
incorporate herbicide and smooth seedbed

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Table 38. Fertilizer and pest control for the oriental vegetable performance trial.
Planting time Fertilizer Pest Control
date rate date control


April 29 35 lbs N/acre as 28-0-0 April 30
May 1
May 2
May 15, May 31
July 9, July 12
Treflan (1 pt/acre)
Diazinon (3 qts/acre)
Dacthal (10 lbs/acre)
Sevin (1.5 pts/acre)
Asana (8 oz/acre)


April 29
Aug 21
35 lbs N/acre as 28-0-0
55 lbs N/acre as urea
June 3
June 4
June 4
June 18
July 16, July 24
July 9, July 12, July 31
Diazinon (3 qts/acre)
Treflan (1 pt/acre)
Dacthal (8 lbs/acre)
Sevin (1.5 pts/acre)
Sevin (2 qts/acre)
Asana (8 oz/acre)


April 29
Aug 21
35 lbs N/acre as 28-0-0
55 lbs N/acre as urea
July 8
July 9
July 11
July 16, July 24
July 31
Diazinon (3 qts/acre)
Treflan (1 pt/acre)
Dacthal (8 lbs/acre)
Sevin (2 qts/acre)
Asana (8 oz/acre)


April 29
Aug 21
35 lbs N/acre as 28-00
55 lbs N/acre as urea
July 25
July 25
July 25
July 31
Diazinon (3 qts/acre)
Treflan (1 pt/acre)
Dacthal (8 lbs/acre)
Asana (8 oz/acre)

Return to top of oriental vegetable trial.

Table 39. Yields and root measurements for the first planting of daikon radishes. Planted on May 1 and harvested on June 24.
Name Seed source1 Plants emerged2 Date bolted Roots > ½ lb Total
roots/A yield length diameter size roots/A yield
1000s/A 1000s tons/A ------ inches ----- oz/root 1000s tons/A
April Cross AT 61.0 June 24 27.2 9.6 12.0 1.74 11 51.7 13.0
Omny SK 64.9 June 24 21.8 8.6 11.3 1.90 12 46.3 12.5
Spring Light HN 74.9 June 24 27.2 9.9 9.0 1.97 11 70.8 15.8
BN 91144 HN 43.7 June 21 Not harvested because it bolted too early
Dae Jin Summer HN 74.9 June 16 Not harvested because it bolted too early
Daebu Summer HN 72.1 June 15 Not harvested because it bolted too early
White Gem HN 51.9 June 11 Not harvested because it bolted too early
Tae Back HN 69.2 June 10 Not harvested because it bolted too early
LSD (0.05) 8.2 NS NS 1.5 0.15 NS NS NS
C.V. (%) 9 33 27 8 5 12 29 15

1See appendix A for source codes.
2Rating taken on 3 June 1996. Plots were thinned after rating was taken.

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Table 40. Yields of the second planting of daikon radishes. Planted on June 4 and harvested on July 30.
Name Seed source1 Emergence rating2 Total yield Total roots/acre Average size
1 to 10 tons/acre 1000s oz/root
April Cross AT 8.0 26.2 50.7 16.6
BN 91144 HN 6.8 14.1 35.9 12.5
Dae Jin Summer HN 9.3 14.9 55.6 8.6
Daebu Summer HN 8.8 18.3 53.9 10.8
Omny SK 8.0 27.5 53.4 16.5
Spring Light HN 9.3 23.5 56.4 13.3
Tae Back HN 8.5 Bolted - not harvested
White Gem HN 7.8 Bolted - not harvested
LSD (0.05) 0.9 No statistics possible on these values.
C.V. (%) 7

1See appendix A for source codes.
2Emergence rating taken just before thinning on July 8. 0 = no plants; 10 = perfect stand.

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Table 41. Yields of the third planting of daikon radishes. Planted July 10 and harvested September 23.
Name Seed source1 Total yield Total roots/acre Average size
tons/acre 1000s oz/root
Replicated trial
April Cross AT 38.4 b2 66.1 21
Daebu Summer HN 44.5 a 60.5 24
Omny SK 35.9 bc 56.4 22
White Gem HN 30.9 c 44.1 23
C.V.(%) 9 32 25
Single plots
BN 91144 HN 33.2 42.5 25
Spring Light HN 45.5 62.1 23
Tae Back HN Bolted - not harvested

1See appendix A for source codes.

2For replicated trial, values in this column followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the 0.05 level. No significant differences between values in other columns.

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Table 42. Baby bok choy (pak choi) yields. Variety grown was Mei Qing Choi.
Plant date Harvest date Plants per acre Yield tons/A Comments
April 30 June 14 81,700 5.5
June 4 July 19 80,600 14.7 Mei Qing Choi was too big
July 10 Sept 23 54,500 20.9 too big and old
July 25 not harvested (killed by alternaria blight)

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Table 43. Pak choi (bok choy) yields for 1996. Variety grown was Joi Choi.
Plant date Harvest date Plants per acre Yield tons/A Comments
April 30 Data lost poor stand
June 4 July 30 39,200 20.6 stand fair
July 10 Sept 23 27,800 20.6 stand fair
July 25 not harvested (killed by alternaria blight)

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