Oakes Irrigation Research Site
Carrington Research Extension Center * North Dakota State University
P.O. Box 531, Oakes, ND 58474-0531, Voice: (701) 742-2189, FAX: (701) 742-2700, email: rgreenla@ndsuext.nodak.edu


Richard G Greenland and Leonard Besemann

Cabbage grows well in the cool climate of North Dakota, but cabbage production is limited due to market uncertainty and lack of information on available hybrids. Data were collected to determine suitability of the hybrids for both the fresh and slaw markets.

Results summary

Table 9. Yield data, overall quality and head shape of early (fresh market) cabbage.

Table 10. Cabbage head characteristics for early (fresh market) harvest.

Table 11. Late (slaw market) harvest data and cabbage head color.

Table 12. Cabbage head characteristics for the late (slaw market) harvest.

Soil: Hecla sandy loam and Embden sandy loam; pH=6.9; 2.8% organic matter; soil-P was high; soil-K was medium; soil-S was very low.
Previous crops: 1995 - tomato and pepper; 1994 - pumpkin; 1993 - field corn.
Seedbed preparation: Disked on April 22. Multiweeded (field cultivated) three times on April 22, once to incorporate fertilizer and twice to incorporate herbicide.
Planting: Direct seeded on April 23 with a Stanhay vegetable planter. Seeds were spaced about 7 inches apart in 17-inch rows. Plants were later thinned to 15 inches apart (about 26,000 plants/acre). Seeds were placed about ½ to 3/4 inches deep into a flat, fine seedbed.
Plots: Main plots were 34 ft long by one row (17 inches) wide. Each main plot was divided into 2, 17 ft long sections. The study had 4 reps.
Fertilizer: On April 17, broadcast 14 lbs N/acre and 70 lbs P2O5/acre as 10-50-0, 16 lbs N/acre and 19 lbs S/acre as 21-0-0-24, and 94 lbs K20/acre as 0-0-60. Sprayed 35 lbs N/acre as 28-0-0 on April 22. Side dressed with 110 lbs N/acre as urea on July 8.
Irrigation: Surface drip irrigation as needed.
Pest Control: Weeds were controlled using Treflan and Devrinol (1 pt and 2 lb/acre applied preplant incorporated on April 22), Dacthal (8 lbs/acre on April 24), Lentagran (2 lbs/acre on June 7), and by hand weeding. Sevin (1.5 pts/acre on May 29) controlled flea beetles. Cabbage was sprayed with Javelin (1 lb/acre on July 15), with Asana (8 oz/acre on July 10, July 26, and Aug 2), and with DiPel (1 lb/acre on Aug 9) to control cabbage looper and cabbage worm.
Harvest: One section of each main plot was hand harvested when heads were firm and of marketable size (early harvest). The other section was harvested about two weeks later (late harvest). Cabbage head characteristics were measured on representative cabbage heads selected at each harvest from each plot.


Yields were higher this year than in 1995. Some of the better fresh market hybrids were Columbia, Atlantis, Blue Pak, Fresco, Ramada and Gideon. Columbia, Fresco, Atlantis, Royal Vantage, Ramada and Grand Prize were the best for slaw cabbage. Super Red 80 (fresh market) and Regal Red (slaw market) were the best red hybrids. See Tables 9 to 12.

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Table 9. Yield data, overall quality and head shape of early (fresh market) cabbage in the Oakes Irrigation Research Station 1996 cabbage hybrid performance trial.
Hybrid Seed source1 Days to harvest Harvest spread2 Heads per acre Yield Overall score Head
shape3 size
----------- days ---------- 1000s tons/acre 1 to 10 1 to 5 lbs/head
Green cabbage
Rocket JS 98.8 a4 12 23.1 a-d 40.8 c-h 5.2 fg 3.0 g-k 3.5 ghi
Columbia JS 102.9 ab 17 22.1 b-e 39.9 d-h 6.0 def 3.2 d-i 3.6 ghi
King Cole FM 103.1 ab 16 21.1 c-f 39.0 e-i 4.1 hi 3.0 f-j 3.7 fgh
Titanic FM 105.8 bc 21 20.2 d-g 46.4 a-f 3.6 i 2.7 jk 4.7 bc
Columbia PS 106.2 bc 20 25.9 abc 49.1 a-d 6.1 b-f 4.8 a 3.8 e-h
Atlantis PS 110.8 cde 25 22.1 b-e 47.3 a-f 6.0 def 3.1 e-j 4.3 b-e
Gourmet FM 110.9 cde 13 22.2 b-f 48.9 a-e 3.5 i 2.5 k 4.4 bcd
Blue Pak FM 112.4 de 17 21.6 b-f 41.4 b-h 6.2 b-e 3.2 e-i 3.9 d-g
Fresco BZ 113.6 ef 23 24.0 a-d 50.3 abc 6.3 b-e 2.9 h-k 4.2 c-f
Ramada SW 117.7 fg 21 21.1 c-f 47.2 a-f 7.3 a 3.0 g-k 4.5 bc
Fortress FM 118.0 fg 21 23.1 a-d 35.8 ghi 4.3 ghi 3.2 e-j 3.1 i
Grand Prize PS 119.1 gh 28 21.1 c-f 50.8 ab 5.8 ef 2.9 ijk 4.8 b
Royal Vantage SK 120.6 gh 24 27.9 a 44.7 a-g 6.0 def 3.4 d-h 3.2 hi
Gideon BZ 123.7 hi 19 24.1 a-d 52.8 a 7.1 ab 3.5 c-g 4.4 bcd
Vantage Point SK 126.8 ij 31 17.3 efg 46.5 a-f 6.9 a-d 3.0 g-j 5.4 a
Storage #4 JS 129.8 j 15 16.8 fg 38.0 f-i 7.0 abc 3.6 cde 4.6 bc
Hinova BZ 133.75 13 15.45 43.65 7.55 3.15 5.75
Amtrak BZ Not harvested due to very late maturity
Saratoga BZ Not harvested due to very late maturity
Red cabbage
Regal Red JS 107.8 bcd 20 24.0 a-d 29.5 i 3.9 hi 3.7 cd 2.5 j
Azurro BZ 108.9 cde 11 20.2 d-g 19.2 j 4.8 gh 3.9 bc 1.9 k
Super Red 80 JS 110.1 cde 20 26.4 ab 32.4 hi 6.0 c-f 3.5 c-f 2.5 j
Autoro BZ 129.3 j 17 15.9 g 19.2 j 6.3 b-e 4.4 ab 2.5 j
C.V. (%) 3 46 16 17 12 11 10

1See appendix A for source codes.

2Harvest spread is the number of days between first head ready to harvest until last head in plot ready to harvest.

3Head shape: 1 is very flat; 2 is flat; 3 is round; 4 is tall; 5 is very tall.

4Values in the same column followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the 0.05 level (no letters in column = no significant differences between values in that column).

5The hybrid 'Hinova' was not included in the statistical analysis because of large variability between plots caused by late and uneven maturity.

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Table 10. Cabbage head characteristics for early (fresh market) harvest in the Oakes Irrigation Research Station 1996 cabbage hybrid performance trial.
Hybrid Seed source1 Diameter Density2 Color Core
polar equator inside3 outside4 length width
--------- inches --------- 1 to 3 --------- 1 to 9 --------- ------- inches -------
Green cabbage
Rocket JS 6.3 def 5 6.3 d-g 1.7 fg 1.6 e-h 2.7 f 3.4 d-g 1.0 bcd
Columbia JS 6.5 bcd 6.2 d-g 2.5 bcd 1.7 d-h 3.4 b 3.3 c-f 1.0 cde
King Cole FM 6.8 abc 6.5 bcd 1.8 fg 1.9 def 3.1 cde 4.1 hij 1.2 gh
Titanic FM 6.9 ab 7.3 a 1.7 g 1.8 d-g 2.8 ef 3.9 g-j 1.2 gh
Columbia PS 6.9 ab 6.3 d-g 2.8 abc 1.3 hi 3.0 de 3.6 e-h 1.1 def
Atlantis PS 6.4 cde 6.4 cde 2.6 a-d 1.5 f-h 3.1 b-e 2.7 a 1.0 a-d
Gourmet FM 6.5 bcd 7.0 ab 1.6 g 1.6 e-i 3.1 b-e 4.2 ij 1.0 b-e
Blue Pak FM 6.5 bcd 6.1 efg 2.7 abc 1.5 ghi 3.2 bcd 2.9 a-d 1.0 bcd
Fresco BZ 6.4 cd 6.4 c-f 2.5 cd 1.6 d-h 3.0 de 3.2 b-e 1.0 de
Ramada SW 6.2 d-g 6.3 d-g 3.0 a 1.9 d-g 3.1 cde 2.7 ab 1.3 hi
Fortress FM 6.0 fgh 6.0 efg 1.8 efg 2.0 de 3.0 def 3.6 e-i 1.0 bcd
Grand Prize PS 6.6 bcd 6.8 abc 2.2 de 1.9 def 3.4 bc 3.8 f-j 1.2 fg
Royal Vantage SK 6.3 def 6.0 fg 2.3 cd 1.7 d-g 3.1 b-e 2.8 abc 0.9 ab
Gideon BZ 6.5 bcd 5.9 g 3.0 a 2.1 cd 3.1 b-e 3.2 a-e 1.2 fgh
Vantage Point SK 7.1 a 7.1 a 2.8 abc 1.1 i 3.0 def 4.2 j 1.1 efg
Storage #4 JS 6.6 bcd 6.0 efg 3.0 a 2.4 c 3.0 def 3.6 e-i 1.3 i
Hinova BZ 6.86 6.66 3.06 2.56 3.06 3.06 1.16
Red cabbage
Regal Red JS 6.0 e-h 5.2 hi 1.5 g 7.4 ab 7.0 a 3.3 c-f 0.9 a
Azurro BZ 5.6 h 4.8 ij 2.2 def 7.6 a 7.1 a 2.9 a-d 0.9 abc
Super Red 80 JS 5.8 gh 5.3 h 2.9 ab 7.0 b 7.0 a 2.6 a 1.0 a-d
Autoro BZ 6.4 cd 4.7 j 3.0 a 7.5 a 7.2 a 3.0 a-d 1.1 d-g
C.V. (%) 5 5 13 10 6 11 8

1See appendix A for source codes.

2Visual estimate of head density. The higher the number the more dense the head.

3Inside color: 1 is whitish green; 2 is yellow green; 3 is light green; 7 is medium purple; 8 is dark purple.

4Outside color: 2 to 4 is light to dark green; 5 - blue green; 6 - red green; 7 - purple green; 8 - purple.

5Values in the same column followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the 0.05 level.

6The hybrid 'Hinova' was not included in the statistical analysis because of large variability between plots caused by late and uneven maturity.

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Table 11. Late (slaw market) harvest data and cabbage head color for the Oakes Irrigation Research Station 1996 cabbage hybrid performance trial.
Hybrid Seed source1 Days to harvest2 Heads per acre Yield Overall score Head color3
outside inside
1000s/acre tons/acre 1 to 10 ----------- 1 to 9 -----------
Green cabbage
Rocket JS 114 (4.5) 18.7 e 42.2 gh 5.8 d-g 3.0 d 1.3 f
King Cole FM 115 (4.2) 20.7 de 61.5 b-e 4.8 fg 3.3 bc 2.0 cde
Columbia PS 120 (5.5) 23.1 cde 61.1 b-e 7.0 a-d 3.1 cd 1.3 f
Columbia JS 122 (6.5) 23.1 cde 58.0 cde 7.1 a-d 3.0 d 1.4 ef
Titanic FM 122 (8.6) 21.6 de 71.4 ab 5.3 efg 3.0 d 2.0 cde
Gourmet FM 124 (2.0) 21.8 cde 68.1 abc 4.4 g 3.0 d 1.5 def
Blue Pak FM 125 (0.0) 23.1 cde 53.2 d-g 6.3 b-e 3.0 d 1.8 def
Fresco BZ 127 (4.0) 26.4 abc 78.1 a 7.4 abc 3.0 d 1.4 ef
Atlantis PS 127 (4.0) 21.6 de 65.0 bcd 7.3 abc 3.4 b 1.5 def
Royal Vantage SK 128 (6.0) 26.4 abc 65.1 bcd 7.3 abc 3.0 d 1.4 ef
Grand Prize PS 134 (6.6) 23.0 cde 67.2 abc 6.1 c-f 3.0 d 2.1 cd
Fortress FM 135 (3.0) 19.2 e 51.2 e-h 6.0 c-f 3.1 cd 1.6 def
Ramada SW 138 (3.0) 25.0 a-d 78.9 a 7.4 abc 3.0 d 2.0 cde
Gideon BZ 147 (12.8) 18.74 59.04 7.9 a 3.2 bcd 3.0 b
Vantage Point SK 149 (16.0) 21.64 57.04 8.2 a 2.9 d 1.2 f
Storage #4 JS 152 (9.2) 19.24 48.24 7.7 ab 3.0 d 2.7 bc
Hinova BZ 156 (3.7) 21.14 56.34 7.7 ab 3.2 bcd 2.7 bc
Amtrak BZ Not harvested due to very late maturity
Saratoga JS Not harvested due to very late maturity
Red cabbage
Azurro BZ 125 (0.0) 23.1 cde 39.0 h 4.9 efg 7.0 a 7.9 a
Super Red 80 JS 126 (5.0) 29.3 a 44.6 fgh 6.8 a-d 7.0 a 7.4 a
Regal Red JS 127 (4.0) 28.8 ab 55.8 c-f 6.1 c-f 7.0 a 7.6 a
Autoro BZ 153 (0.5) 24.5 bcd 43.8 fgh 7.4 abc 7.0 a 7.5 a
LSD (0.05) 8.2 * * * * *
C.V. (%) 4 14 14 15 4 17

*Values in the same column followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the 0.05 level.

1See appendix A for source codes.

2Number in parenthesis is the standard deviation of days to harvest. The higher the number, the more variable the harvest date.

3Head color:outside - 1=yellow green, 2 to 4=light to dark green, 5=bluish green, 6=reddish green, 7=purple green, 8=purple, 9=red.inside - 1=whitish green, 2=yellow green, 3 to 5=light to dark green, 6 to 8=light to dark purple, 9=red.

4Yield and heads per acre reduced due to some plots not maturing on time.

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Table 12. Cabbage head characteristics for the late (slaw market) harvest in the Oakes Irrigation Research Station 1996 cabbage hybrid performance trial.
Hybrid Seed source1 Shape2 Density3 Head diameter Core
polar equatorial length width
1 to 4 1 to 3 ----------- inches ----------- ---------- inches --------
Green cabbage
Rocket JS 3.0 cde4 3.0 a 7.2 a-e 7.5 a-d 4.4 hi 1.1 a-d
King Cole FM 3.0 cde 2.0 cd 7.6 ab 7.7 abc 4.5 i 1.2 d-g
Columbia PS 3.5 abc 2.8 ab 7.6 ab 7.3 a-f 3.7 d-g 1.2 def
Columbia JS 3.0 cde 3.0 a 6.9 b-f 7.0 def 3.6 c-f 0.9 ab
Titanic FM 2.9 c-f 2.0 cd 7.3 a-d 7.6 a-d 4.3 ghi 1.3 efg
Gourmet FM 3.0 cde 1.6 d 7.2 a-e 7.6 a-d 4.4 hi 1.1 b-f
Blue Pak FM 3.3 bcd 2.5 abc 7.0 a-f 6.8 ef 3.1 abc 1.2 d-g
Fresco BZ 3.0 cde 2.5 abc 7.7 a 7.7 abc 3.9 e-i 1.1 a-e
Atlantis PS 2.5 ef 2.9 ab 7.0 a-f 7.4 a-e 3.5 c-f 1.2 c-f
Royal Vantage SK 3.0 cde 2.6 abc 7.1 a-e 7.0 c-f 3.3 bcd 1.1 a-e
Grand Prize PS 2.8 def 2.3 bcd 7.4 abc 7.9 a 3.5 c-f 1.3 fg
Fortress FM 2.3 f 2.5 abc 6.6 def 7.3 a-f 4.1 f-i 1.0 ab
Ramada SW 2.8 def 3.0 a 7.4 abc 7.7 ab 3.3 b-e 1.4 g
Gideon BZ 3.0 cde 3.0 a 7.4 abc 7.1 b-f 3.5 c-f 1.2 d-g
Vantage Point SK 3.1 b-e 3.0 a 7.2 a-e 7.0 c-f 4.3 ghi 1.1 a-f
Storage #4 JS 3.0 cde 3.0 a 7.2 a-e 6.9 def 3.8 d-h 1.4 g
Hinova BZ 2.6 def 3.0 a 7.1 a-f 7.3 a-f 2.5 a 1.1 b-f
Red cabbage
Azurro BZ 3.8 ab 2.9 ab 6.5 ef 6.0 g 3.5 c-f 0.9 a
Super Red 80 JS 3.5 abc 2.9 ab 6.3 f 5.8 g 2.5 a 0.9 a
Regal Red JS 3.3 bcd 2.6 abc 6.9 b-f 6.7 f 4.0 f-i 1.0 abc
Autoro BZ 4.1 a 3.0 a 6.7 c-f 5.5 g 2.9 ab 1.1 a-e
C.V. (%) 15 17 7 6 12 13

1See appendix A for source codes.

2Head shape - 1 is very flat; 2 is flat; 3 is round; 4 is tall.

3Head density - 1 to 3; 1 is loose and 3 is solid.

4Values in the same column followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the 0.05 level.

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