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Choosing Healthy Snack Bars

We have so many different snack bars to choose from. How do I pick one that is a healthful choice for a snack?
Choosing Healthy Snack Bars

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Sometimes snack bars are more like "candy bars." Be a label reader to get the most nutrition for your money. Remember the ingredients are listed from "most" to "least" on the ingredient statement. Look for whole grains, dried fruit and nuts (unless you have a nut allergy) as the first ingredients. Compare products and choose snack bars with less added sugar, less saturated fat and more fiber. Most nutrition experts recommend a bar with less than 200 calories, 6 (or more) grams of protein and at least 2 grams of fiber.

Julie Garden-Robinson, Food and Nutrition Specialist, NDSU Extension Service

Featured in Food Wise August 2016 newsletter (PDF)

Filed under: nutrition
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