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August is Sandwich Month

Save some money by bringing a sandwich to work instead of going out to eat.
August is Sandwich Month

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What’s your favorite sandwich? Some people like hot sandwiches and others prefer cold.

Maybe you enjoy peanut butter and jelly, grilled cheese, a pita stuffed with tuna salad, or a veggie and cheese panini pressed in a grill. The options are endless. 

Sandwiches usually consist of bread with fillings, but some people use lettuce as the outer layer.

Create a Sandwich

  • Begin with a whole-grain base, such as whole-wheat bread, tortillas, pita bread or buns. Whole grains provide fiber, vitamins and minerals.
  • Add a spread to your bread if you like. Try some mustard, hummus, guacamole or light mayonnaise. Go easy on the butter or regular mayonnaise because these ingredients add calories without much nutritional value.
  • Add your favorite fillings. How about some chicken salad made with leftover grilled chicken? Choose lean proteins and compare the sodium values of deli meats using the Nutrition Facts labels.
  • Pile on the veggies and/or fruits. Add some spinach, cucumber and tomato slices, chopped onion or grated carrots. Try sliced bananas on a peanut butter sandwich. Add some dried cranberries to a chicken salad sandwich. 
  • Want more inspiration? Visit and type “7 Steps to Creating a Sandwich” in the search box.

Freeze Some Sandwiches

To save time later, you can freeze sandwiches. However, some popular sandwich ingredients (eggs, jelly, tomatoes, pickles,
onions, mayonnaise) do not freeze well. Sandwiches made with peanut butter, cooked meats (chicken, roast beef, turkey), shredded hard cheese (cheddar, Swiss) and canned meats (tuna, salmon) freeze well.  Add fresh veggies and toppings
right before eating.

  • Prepare the sandwiches and place them in zip-top bags.
  • Label the bags with the contents and date.
  • Freeze the sandwiches in a single layer on a tray.
  • Place the individual bags in a larger freezer bag and freeze.
  • Thaw the sandwiches in your refrigerator and enjoy!

Did you know?

Sandwiches have been around for centuries. Most people give John Montagu, the fourth Earl of Sandwich, credit
for naming our popular menu item in 1765. This busy man wanted an easy way to eat at his desk. By the early
1900s, sliced bread was made available in American bakeries, and this made sandwiches a portable meal.

Source: Linda Stradley;

Julie Garden-Robinson, Food and Nutrition Specialist, NDSU Extension Service

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