Personal and Family Finance


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Budgets and Spending

Don't Let Last-minute Holiday Spending Blow Your Budget

Last-minute purchases, such as gifts for those you forgot to add to your shopping list or stocking stuffers, can bust any carefully constructed budget. Or maybe you forgot to add gift wrap, holiday cards and other supplies to your budget this year.

Don't Let Last-minute Holiday Spending Blow Your Budget - Read More…

Holiday spending

Survive the Holidays – Make a Plan, Share the Load, Shop Early

If football, colorful fall leaves and colder temperatures alert us that summer is over, Halloween and the end of daylight saving time signal that Thanksgiving and the winter holiday bustle are on the way. Looking at the calendar, we have fewer than 60 days left until we ring in the New Year!

Survive the Holidays – Make a Plan, Share the Load, Shop Early - Read More…

10 tips to save money at the grocery store

10 Tips to Save Money at the Grocery Store

Do you find yourself short on money before your next paycheck arrives? Living paycheck to paycheck can feel overwhelming. If you find yourself in this situation or maybe you are simply looking for a way to save a few extra dollars, little changes can make a big difference.

10 Tips to Save Money at the Grocery Store - Read More…

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