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NDSU Agriculture Events
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Bismarck, ND
Farm Safety Camp is an overnight, hands-on, workforce safety skill development program designed for youth ages 13-16 years old who plan to work for a farmer/rancher, either on their own farm or for a non-family-related operator.
Carrington Research Extension Center, Carrington, ND
Jr. Crop Scout School is open to all youth ages 12-18 with an interest in agronomy. Pre-registration is required by June 17, 2024.
Lunch and Learn webinar for ND 4-H teens and volunteers about applying for national trips
Bismarck Career Academy, 1221 College Dr, Bismarck, ND 58501
You invest a lot of time and money into trees, come to this upcoming workshop to learn more about local services available to assist you as you care for your trees! There will be an Emerald Ash Borer Update and discussion about shelterbelt…
Parent Café events offer a chance to connect, reflect, and listen to other parents and caregivers. Participants consider their strengths, learn about factors that promote well-being, and create strategies to help strengthen their families…
American Legion Post | Napoleon, ND
Join us at Logan County Achievement Days. Local 4-H and FFA member exhibits will be on display.
NDSU Carrington Research Extension Center
This field school is targeted toward crop advisers but also is beneficial for farmers.
Bagg Bonanza Farm Arena, Mooreton ND
This is the Livestock and Horse Show connected to the 2024 Richland County 4-H Achievement Days.
515 2nd St N, Oakes, ND
Open horse show for ND 4-H'ers in Dickey County
Bear Creek Roughrider Arena, 515 2nd St N, Oakes
Dickey County Open 4-H Horse Show on June 29th at the Bear Creek Roughrider Arena in Oakes, ND. This event promises a day filled with fun and competition, and we welcome both Dickey County 4-H youth and non-Dickey 4-H youth to participate.
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