Great Plains Tree Pest Council


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This organization shall be known as the GREAT PLAINS TREE PEST WORKSHOP.



The purposes of this organization shall be to: (1) advance the science and practice of pest management and tree health as it applies to Great Plains forestry practices and systems. (2) provide a medium for exchange of professional thought, and (3) serve as a clearing house for technical information on pest problems and tree health issues in the Great Plains.


ARTICLE III. Membership

Section 1. Members.  Membership in this organization shall include any entomologist, plant pathologist. weed scientist, forester, silviculturist, tree geneticist, or other professional interested in tree pest management in the Great Plains. Members shall be those qualified persons who attend meetings or otherwise express interest in the business of the organization.


Section 2. Privileges.  All members shall have equal privileges as to discussion at meetings and voting privileges, and each member's vote shall count equally. Members shall not use the name of the organization for financial advantage.


ARTICLE IV. Officers and Duties

Section 1. Officers. The elected officers of this organization shall be the Chairperson and Secretary-Treasurer.  The Past Chairperson and the elected officers shall comprise the Executive Board.


Section 2. Chairperson.  The duties of the Chairperson shall be to call and preside at meetings and to provide leadership in carrying out other functions of this organization.


Section 3. Past Chairperson.  The Chairperson, upon completing service as Chairperson, shall serve an additional term as Past Chairperson.  The duties of the Past Chairperson shall be to preside at meetings in the absence of the Chairperson and assist the Chairperson in carrying out other functions as needed.  The Past Chairperson shall serve as advisor and consultant to the Chairperson in order to provide continuity in the development and implementation of activities of the organization.


Section 4. Secretary-Treasurer.  The duties of the Secretary-Treasurer shall be to keep records of membership, business transacted by the organization, and funds collected and disbursed, and to distribute notices and reports.  The Secretary-Treasurer is responsible for preparing the minutes of meetings held during his/her term of office.


Section 5. Election of Officers.  The Chairperson and Secretary-Treasurer shall be elected at each general meeting.


Section 6. Terms of Office.  Officers shall assume their duties at the conclusion of the meeting of their election and the appointment shall stand until the conclusion of the next general meeting.

Section 7. Vacancies.  Vacancies that occur on the Executive Board between general meetings shall be filled by a special call for nominations and mail ballot sent to all members.  The appointment shall stand until the conclusion of the next general meeting.


ARTICLE V. Committees

Special committees may be appointed by the Chairperson from time to time as deemed necessary to facilitate the functions of the organization.


ARTICLE VI. Meetings.

Section 1.  The purposes of' this organization may be met by holding of general meetings and such other meetings as the Chairperson, with the consent of the Executive Board, may call.  The place and date of each general meeting shall be determined by the Executive Board after considering any action or recommendation of meeting attendees as a whole.  The Secretary-Treasurer shall notify members of the date and place of general meetings at least two months in advance.


Section 2. Expenses.  Monetary Contributions to cover expenses of the annual meeting, such as for facilities and equipment rental, may be requested from attendees at the discretion of the Executive Board.


Section 3. Business sessions shall be Conducted in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised in all cases to which the rules apply and in which they are not inconsistent with this constitution.


Section 4.  Eight active members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business of the organization.  A majority of votes cast shall be considered as deciding in all matters, unless otherwise specified in the constitution.


Section 5. Mail ballots.  Matters of major importance shall be placed before the membership by mail ballot.



Records of meeting proceedings and reports by members shall be maintained and copies provided to members in such form as may be decided as appropriate and feasible by the Executive Board.


ARTICLE VIII. Amendments

Amendments to the constitution may be made by a two-thirds majority of all votes cast by the membership in a mail ballot.  A proposed amendment, if adopted, shall become effective as of the data the votes are counted, unless a later date is specified in the amendment itself.


Prepared by     Judith Pasek

                        Mary Ellen Dix

                        Rich Dorset

                        Mark Harrell

                        Robert Lavigne

                        April 27, 1992



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