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Food Safety

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Safe food handling is important at home, in the community, and in your business. Learn how to guard against allergen exposures and handle food safely to prevent food-borne illnesses.






Food Safety Publications
Summer is a great time to enjoy the outdoors. Follow these tips to keep food safe while you're enjoying the great outdoors.
Bacteria are found nearly everywhere, including in most foods. Bacteria double in number every 10 to 30 minutes when exposed to ideal temperatures, pH, nutrients or moisture levels.  
Chef's should not depend on their instincts, cooking time, oven temperature or product appearance to determine when a product is done: thermometers are important tools for protecting foods.
El propósito de esta publicación es proveer información sobre mejores prácticas para mantener los estándares de inocuidad para los productos vendidos por emprendedores locales de alimentos. Las regulaciones varían en cada estado, así que…
Let’s face it. Sometimes letting someone else do the cooking is just easier and more enjoyable. And today’s older adults have many eating options. However, all of these options do have food safety implications.
Prevention of foodborne illness starts with your trip to the supermarket. Cooking food to the proper temperature kills harmful bacteria.
Smart food choices can help reduce the risk for chronic diseases, such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, stroke and osteoporosis. These are the leading cause of death and disability among Americans.
Using five-gallon pickle buckets and other types of large deep containers for cooling hot foods should be avoided at all costs. While convenient for storage, these containers are much too large to be used for cooling food safely. Food may…
Using game birds in your menus adds variety to your diet. Consider these tips as you expand your menu options to include game birds such as goose.
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