Carrington Research Extension Center



File Octet Stream 1998 Cattle Feeding Partnerships - an Alternative for Feeding Cattle in North Dakota
A look at the way cattle producers are looking to reduce risk via partnerships.
File 1998 Commercial Bison Production: Economic Analysis and Budget Projections
Some economics behind bison production.
File 1998 Crop Residues and Co-products for Gestating and Lactating Beef Cows
The use of wheat straw and corn stover for gestating and lactating cows.
File 1998 Effect of Crambe Meal on Performance, Reproduction, and Thyroid Hormone Levels of Mature Gestating and Lactating Beef Cows
Comparing protein supplements between crambe meal and sunflower meal-soybean meal combinations.
File Octet Stream 1998 Feeding and Finishing Fall Born Calves in North Dakota
The performance results of fall born calves post weaning.
File ECMAScript program 1998 Field Peas in Creep Feeds for Beef Calves
This trial looks at using field peas in creep feed as a high protein and high energy feed source.
File Troff document 1998 Field Peas in Diets for Growing Heifers and Backgrounding and Finishing Steer - Progress Report
A series of trials were conducted to evaluate intake and performance of beef cattle fed peas.
File 1998 Growth Comparison of Two Types of All Male Tilapia Populations, in a Recirculating Aquaculture System
A trial looking at growth rate differences of sex-reversed tilapia and genetically male tilapia.
File Octet Stream 1998 Improving Livestock Waste Management Practices in North Dakota
A general update on waste management.
File 1998 On-farm Bison Feeding Trials Yield Practical Information
Evaluating palatability of alternative feeds, compare effects of energy level and grain processing and feed delivery methods for bison bulls fed for meat.
File 1998 Using Ultrasound as a Marketing Tool for Determining Value of Finished Cattle
The use of ultrasound to view the internal muscling and fat of a live animal to estimate USDA Quality Grade.
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