Carrington Research Extension Center



All documents from the 2015 year go here.
File 2015 Organic Oat Seed Source Trial
Organic oat trial with Jerry oat from multiple seed sources.
File 2015 Organic Oat Seeding Rate Trial
Organic oat trial with multiple planting rates with two oat varieties.
File 2015 Organic Oat Planting Date Trial
Organic oat trial with three planting dates for three oat varieties.
File ECMAScript program 2015 Corn Production Optimization with Distiller’s Grains and Condensed Distiller’s Solubles as Phosphorus Fertilizer Sources
A study to assess CDS and WDGs as P fertilizer sources for corn production in North Dakota.
File 2015 Improving Management of Sclerotinia Stem Rot (White Mold) in Soybeans
The Carrington Research Extension Center is leading a multi-location research effort to improve the management of Sclerotinia stem rot (white mold) in soybeans, with an emphasis on improving our understanding of the impacts of seeding rate and row spacing on disease and yield and on optimizing fungicide usage.
File 2015 Seed Inoculation Strategies on Fields with Prior Soybean Production
Two trials were conducted by the Carrington Research Extension Center (CREC) in 2015 to examine soybean yield response to single versus double seed inoculation on ground with recent soybean production.
File 2015 Influence of Relative Maturity on Corn Performance
In the last four years, five corn variety trials were planted (Carrington dryland and irrigated, Oakes dryland and irrigated, and Fingal dryland). Each trial has ranged in size from about 60 to 105 different hybrids, with maturity ranges from 75 to over 100 day relative maturity (RM), and each hybrid is grown four times (four replicates) in each trial. The trials provide information to evaluate trends in corn performance at different locations and across multiple years.
File ECMAScript program 2015 Using UAV-mounted and Handheld Sensors to Assess HRSW and Durum Response to Nitrogen Rates
The goal of this study was to verify how NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) values calculated from images taken with a UAV compare to NDVI values collected with a handheld sensor (GreenSeeker) in two side by side trials (durum and hard red spring wheat [HRSW]) fertilized with 0, 50, 100, 150, and 200 lbs N/ac.
File 2015 Improving the Management of Root Rots of Field Peas
The Carrington Research Extension Center has initiated a wide range of experiments designed to develop improved management strategies for root rots on field peas.
File ECMAScript program 2015 Dry Bean Planting Dates
The CREC conducted field trials to explore if dry bean seed yield and quality can be positively impacted with early planting compared to the normal planting period (last 10 days of May through first week of June) or later.
File 2015 Soil Tillage Impact on Growth and Yields of Corn in Rotation with Energy Beet and Soybean
A project to assess the impact of energy beet as a preceding crop on corn yields.
File 2015 Optimizing Fungicide Application Strategies for Management of Sclerotinia in Dry Edible Beans
The Carrington Research Extension Center initiated two new studies in 2015 with the goal of optimizing the use of fungicides for management of Sclerotinia stem rot (white mold) in dry edible beans. Fungicide application timing was assessed, and the use of drop nozzles was tested as a means for improving fungicide coverage.
File 2015 Evaluation of Fertility Strategies Aimed at Enhancing Crop Production on a Hillside with Eroded Soil
Soil erosion is a common problem on slopes and hilltops. Top soil is often lost very quickly from those areas. In theory, increasing fertility of such fields would add more organic matter and carbon to the soil, improving soil properties in the long run. For this reason, different strategies were employed on a hilltop of a farm in Hurdsfield, ND.
File ECMAScript program 2015 Soybean Planting Dates and Rates
Studies were established in 2014 and 2015 to evaluate the effect of a range of soybean plant populations at various planting dates. One goal was to determine when it may be appropriate to replant soybeans and when they should be left as is.
File Troff document 2015 The Effect of Sulfur Application on Yield and Protein of Spring Wheat
Sulfur deficiency is a growing problem for wheat and many crops in North Dakota, yet minimal studies have been conducted in recent years to provide updates on the economic impact of sulfur application to wheat. The trial was established to determine if sulfur application improves wheat yields. And if so, would wheat response depend on available S.
File chemical/x-pdb 2015 Feedlot Beef Manure as a Source of Nitrogen for Wheat and Nitrogen Strategies to Increase Wheat Protein Content
Previous research at the Carrington REC has shown that plots fertilized with manure show similar yields to plots fertilized with commercial fertilizers, but the protein content is in general lower on the manure plots. The study objective was to assess the effects of beef feedlot manure application in combination with strategic commercial fertilizer applications to improve wheat protein content.
File 2015 Impact of Plant Establishment on Corn Production in Eddy, Foster and Wells Counties, 2013-15
The study’s main objective was to measure the yield response of late-emerging plants, plant doubles and plant skips compared to normally emerged and evenly spaced plants. This report summarizes highlights of the study conducted in Eddy, Foster and Wells counties using data from 10 commercial fields.
File Crop Production Costs, Yields, and Returns for South-Central North Dakota for the Years 2010-2014
The data for this study included pinto beans, corn, barley, soybeans, hard red spring wheat (HRSW), canola, and oil sunflowers.
File Octet Stream 2015 Evaluating Fungicide Efficacy and Timing for Management of Fusarium Head Blight in Spring Barley in North Dakota
This study evaluated fungicide efficacy and timing on reducing deoxynivalenol (DON) levels and protecting spring barley yield.
File Troff document 2015 The Effects of in-Furrow Application of Urea and Urea Based Slow Release Nitrogen Products on Stand Establishment and Crop Performance of Spring Wheat
A trial with spring wheat was established in Carrington which ran from 2013 to 2015. The primary goal of this trial was to test the recommendations using different N-rates and ESN:urea blending ratios.
File PDF document 2015 Pinto Bean Response to Early Season Applied Liquid Fertilizer
A field study was conducted at the NDSU Carrington Research Extension Center with support from Northarvest Dry Bean Growers Association to examine the performance of pinto bean primarily with early season application of fertilizer.
File PDF document 2015 Dry Bean Response to Row Spacing and Planting Rates
The field study was conducted at the NDSU Carrington Research Extension Center with support from Northarvest Dry Bean Growers Association to examine the response of navy and black bean to row spacing and planting rates.
File PDF document 2015 Corn Performance with Starter Fertilizer
A field study continued at the NDSU Carrington Research Extension Center to examine the performance of corn with starter fertilizer and side-dressing N.
File PDF document 2015 Soybean Response to Row Spacing and Plant Canopy
The field study was conducted at the NDSU Carrington Research Extension Center to examine soybean response to paired rows compared to wider rows and plant canopy types.
File PDF document 2015 Soybean Response to Seed inoculation
A field trial was conducted at the Carrington REC in cooperation with BASF to examine the response of soybean to selected seed inoculation formulations and strategies.
File PDF document 2015 Soybean Response to Selected Plant Establishment and Foliar Inputs, Wishek
A field trial was conducted at the CREC Tri-county off-station crop research site near Wishek to examine the response of soybean to seed inoculation and fungicide, sulfur fertilizer, and special foliar inputs.
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