Extension Plant Pathology


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Extension Plant Pathology

disease picture collages.jpgThe North Dakota State University Extension exists to serve the people of North Dakota.  The cooperative Extension System was established in 1914 to address through education, critical needs of the public in the areas of agriculture, family and youth.  The work of the Extension continues to be extremely important to producers, families, community leaders and young people.  Extension maintains a unique relationship among federal, state and county constituents.  Local input into programs, combined with support and funding from state and federal partners, enables the Extension to truly meet the needs of people.



“A Unified Effort to Fight an Enemy of Wheat and Barley:  Fusarium Head Blight”

ANTHRACNOSE ALERT-CLICK HERE to see how this devastating disease of dry edible beans has been increasing in North Dakota.
Anthracnose of Dry Beans Publication

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