Advanced Imaging and Microscopy Core Laboratory


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Advanced Imaging & Microscopy Laboratory

The Advanced Imaging & Microscopy Laboratory is one of North Dakota State University's Research and Creative Activity Department. It was established in the fall of 2010 as a core facility to serve a wide range of faculty, students, and research at NDSU, along with its collaborators outside of the university system.

AIM's mission is to support the NDSU community and beyond with cutting edge technology for research and teaching methods, ranging from bioscience to materials microscopy. We offer training in a wide range of histology and microscopy techniques, imaging and image analysis, along with related manuscript and grant proposal preparation. 

The histology division of AIM has been revamped and been serving the NDSU campus since 2014 as an additional resource in a wide range of research methodologies. Histology services and training include specimen collection, fixation, processing, embedding, microtomy, h&E staining, special staining, as well as immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence.

To date, AIM has provided hands-on research training and teaching opportunities for faculty, students, and post-doctoral researchers in diverse areas of basic and applied sciences including infectious diseases of plants and animals, plant breeding, reproductive physiology, animal nutrition, meat science, cell biology, microbiology, pharmacology, cereal and food science, polymers and coating, and more. 

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