

Waste Management


Anthrax occurs worldwide and is associated with sudden death of cattle and sheep. Anthrax can infect all warm-blooded animals, including humans.

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Containment Pond Management

Containment ponds are constructed at the base of a feedlot’s slope and designed to collect and contain nutrient-loaded runoff. This publication talks about how to manage containment ponds by understanding soil and water relationships, applying effluent for crops needs, and knowing when to apply containment pond effluent.

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Manure Spreader Calibration For Nutrient Management Planning

Livestock manures contain many beneficial and valuable plant nutrients. However, if the manure application equipment is not properly calibrated, these valuable nutrients may be wasted by overapplication or crop yield goals may not be met due to underapplication. This publication explains 2 simple manure spreader calibration techniques.

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