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Tips to Help Children Eat More Veggies

My preschool and elementary-age children love fruit, but I have a hard time getting them to eat their vegetables. Do you have any tips?
Tips to Help Children Eat More Veggies

Photo used under license from

Be sure you eat together as often as possible, and let your children see you enjoy vegetables of all kinds and colors. Share the adventure of trying new vegetables together. How about trying some roasted parsnips and sweet potatoes? How about grilling some veggie kabobs or asparagus this spring?

Invite your children to help you fix the vegetables. Teach them how to tear lettuce or add veggie toppings to pizza. Be sure to cut the vegetables in small pieces so they are easy to eat and not a choking hazard.

Your children learn by watching you.  They get curious when they see you eating vegetables. Before you know it, they will want to taste what you are having. Help them increase the types of fruits and vegetables they like by setting a good example.


Julie Garden-Robinson, Food and Nutrition Specialist, NDSU Extension Service

Featured in Food Wise March 2015 newsletter (PDF)

Filed under: nutrition, food and family
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