Food Wi$e


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Colors and Health Benefits

I have heard that fruits and vegetables have different health benefits depending on the color. Is that true?
Colors and Health Benefits

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Yes. Researchers have linked fruits and vegetables to certain health benefits. As you plan your colorful plate, keep this information from in mind:

  • Red (tomatoes, red peppers, cranberries, cherries and other naturally red foods): help maintain a healthy heart, memory function and urinary tract health
  • Blue/purple (blueberries, plums, blackberries, purple grapes, purple cabbage and others): help maintain healthy aging, memory and urinary track health
  • Yellow/orange (carrots, sweet potatoes, yellow peppers, oranges, pumpkin and others): help maintain a healthy heart, immune system and night vision
  • Green (spinach, broccoli, kiwi, green grapes, green peppers and others): help prevent eye issues such as macular degeneration and cataracts
  • White (bananas, garlic, apples, onions, cauliflower and others): help maintain heart health and reduce the risk of some cancers

Check out “What Color is Your Food?” at for more information.

Julie Garden-Robinson, Food and Nutrition Specialist, NDSU Extension Service

Featured in July 2014 Food Wi$e (PDF)

Filed under: nutrition
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